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today is a good day!


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Today is the day the democrats take power.

Like a young boy who's the new kid at school, George W. Bush probably has no idea what to expect as he starts life with a new, Democratic Congress today. Facing a crew fronted by new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Bush will have to deal with a Congress intent on the actual work of governing, like passing meaningful legislation, scrutinizing judicial nominees and, most frightening of all for Team Bush, actually fulfilling their role in performing oversight on the executive branch of government.

In the Senate, things will start out this morning with a joint, all-Senators meeting in the Old Senate Chamber before officially opening the 110th Congress at noon.

Fear not partisan Democrats: I interviewed Harry Reid last month and, while he says this "bipartisan caucus" is intended to foster a "new tone" in the Senate, there was no mistaking a look in his eye that said he has had enough of Republican games and is committed to governing in a way true to Democratic ideals.

Indeed, when Bush wrote in his silly Wall Street Journal editorial yesterday that "If Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate," Reid fired back as follows:

"There is nothing political about finding a policy to end the war in Iraq, raising the minimum wage, achieving energy independence or helping kids afford college. In fact, politics has prevented progress on these issues for too many years."

No amount of having coffee and bagels with the Republican minority for an hour today -- in a get-together that's entirely ceremonial and not legislative -- will make that go away.

They then move to the Senate chamber to officially open the new Congress by swearing in the following incoming Senators:

• Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

• Ben Cardin (D-MD)

• Bob Casey (D-PA)

• Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

• Claire McCaskill (D-MO)

• Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

• Jon Tester (D-MT)

• Jim Webb (D-VA)

• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

Oh, yeah, they'll swear in some Republican guy named Corker also.

If the organizing resolution -- which is formally voted on by all Senators and sets all committee assignments for the next two years -- is all haggled out and ready, it will be quickly formalized. If some minor deals still need to be worked between Reid and incoming Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the vote will be postponed until next week and may stall initial committee meetings until the memberships are codified.

Now comes the fun part as Democrats make it clear that the days of the do-nothing, Republican Senate are over by beginning to deliver on legislation they promised in the 2006 campaign on the very first day of the new Congress. In fact, Senate Democrats may even introduce key pieces of legislation as soon as this afternoon.

"It's time for Congress to get back to work," wrote Reid in a lengthy memo to his Senate colleagues yesterday. "The 110th Congress will also be known for its renewed commitment to work. There will be a 5-day work week in the 110th Congress. Teachers, miners, and shopkeepers across this country don't get three-day work weeks, and neither should their representatives in Washington."

If that's not enough of a shock to the systems of Senate Republicans, Reid used his memo to lay out in no uncertain terms that Democrats would rapidly begin moving forward on the initiatives endorsed by the American people when they rejected GOP rule over the House and Senate in November.


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My inclination is that the democrats are going to accomplish very little for the next two years; just enough to make it seem they are trying to do "something", while blaming Bush for whatever fails, but playing it safe and restrained enough to not damage their chances at winning the white house in 2008. In other words, they are going to play politics just like the Republicans.


Also- Bush couldn't care less about who holds Congressional control. He's proven himself immune to congressional or public opinion and it's no accident that he's surrounded himself with people who tell him what he wants to hear. In the next two years, Bush will do everything in his power to circumvent Congress and the Constitution in order to get his agenda realized.


I wish I could feel like this is a sunny new day for American politics but I think this is just a sucker hole.



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Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God

I don't know but today seems kinda odd

No barking from the dog, no smog

And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog

I got my grub on, but didn't pig out

Finally got a call from a girl wanna dig out

Hooked it up for later as I hit the do'

Thinking will i live, another twenty-fo'

I gotta go cause I got me a drop top

And if I hit the switch, I can make the ass drop

Had to stop at a red light

Looking in my mirror not a jacker in sight

And everything is alright

I got a beep from Kim and she can fuck all night

Called up the homies and I'm askin y'all

Which park, are y'all playin basketball?

Get me on the court and I'm trouble

Last week fucked around and got a triple double

Freaking niggaz every way like M.J.

I can't believe, today was a good day


Drove to the pad and hit the showers

Didn't even get no static from the cowards

Cause just yesterday them fools tried to blast me

Saw the police and they rolled right past me

No flexin, didn't even look in a niggaz direction

as I ran the intersection

Went to Short Dog's house, they was watchin YO! MTV Raps

What's the haps on the craps

Shake em up, shake em up, shake em up, shake em

Roll em in a circle of niggaz and watch me break em

With the seven, seven-eleven, seven-eleven

Seven even back do' little Joe

I picked up the cash flow

Then we played bones, and I'm yellin domino

Plus nobody I know got killed in South Central L.A.

Today was a good day


Left my niggaz house paid

Picked up a girl been tryin to fuck since the twelve grade

It's ironic, I had the brew she had the chronic

The Lakers beat the Supersonics

I felt on the big fat fanny

Pulled out the jammy, and killed the punanny

And my dick runs deep, so deep, so deep

put her ass to sleep

Woke her up around one

she didn't hesitate, to call Ice Cube the top gun

Drove her to the pad and I'm coasting

Took another sip of the potion hit the three-wheel motion

I was glad everything had worked out

Dropped her ass off, then I chirped out

Today was like one of those fly dreams

Didn't even see a berry flashing those high beams

No helicopter looking for a murder

Two in the morning got the Fatburger

Even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp

And it read Ice Cube's a pimp

Drunk as hell but no throwing up

Half way home and my pager still blowing up

Today I didn't even have to use my A.K.

I got to say it was a good day.

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My inclination is that the democrats are going to accomplish very little for the next two years;



They will surely stop the downward spiral circling the drain politics of the neo-cons. That in and of itself would be great. If that is all they do, the country still wins.

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Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God

I don't know but today seems kinda odd

No barking from the dog, no smog

And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog

I got my grub on, but didn't pig out

Finally got a call from a girl wanna dig out

Hooked it up for later as I hit the do'

etc., etc., etc. :sick:


So you're the guy who actually buys that crap and listens to it!

Thank you in advance for keeping your windows rolled up and your woofer turned down.




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Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God

I don't know but today seems kinda odd

No barking from the dog, no smog

And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog

I got my grub on, but didn't pig out

Finally got a call from a girl wanna dig out

Hooked it up for later as I hit the do'

etc., etc., etc. :sick:




So you're the guy who actually buys that crap and listens to it!

Thank you in advance for keeping your windows rolled up and your woofer turned down.




Good one, Raindawg! You got me!



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I would hope the Democrats will ask a lot of questions pertaining to the current occupation in Iraq.


Like who is the enemy?

Who are we fighting?


Then when it is decided the CIA info was cooked just to go to war, the big “I” word will come out. Impeach.


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The general rode for sixteen days

The horses were thirsty and tired

On the trail of a renegade chief

One he'd come to admire

The soldiers hid behind the hills

That surrounded the village

And he rode down to warn the chief

They'd come to conquer and pillage


Lay down your arms

Lay down your spear

The chief's eyes were sad

But showed no sign of fear



It is a good day to die

Oh my children dry your eyes

It is a good day to die


He spoke of the days before the white man came

With his guns and whisky

He told of a time a long time ago

Before what you call history

The general couldn't believe his words

Nor the look on his face

But he knew these people would rather die

Then have to live in this disgrace


What law have I broken

What wrong have I done

That makes you want to bury me

Upon this trail of blood




We cared for the land and the land cared for us

And that's the way it's always been

Never asked for more never asked too much

And now you tell me this is the end


I laid down my weapon

Laid down my bow

Now you want to drive me out

With no place left to go




And he turned to his people and said dry your eyes

We've been blessed and we are thankful

Raise your voices to the sky

It is a good day to die

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Is two years enough time for the Democrats to lose the momentum of public opinion and botch the 2008 presidential election?


the reps are gonna try to hang on to power like a prego on a 5.10 !!!


aneurisms,small aircrafts,taco bell, hunting, should be avoided by dems.


welcome home, terror!!!!!!

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