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Questions for Fairweather, Puget, and KK


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Really, Fairweather, I AM actually interested in your opinion. If I was interested in simply promoting my own, an engagement with you on this website would be the last method I would choose to pursue that objective. You, however, seem in almost every political thread to be very interested in scoffing at terrorist sympathizer liberals such as myself, and attacking me personally.


What do you mean with your statement that you believe that Rumsfeld and Cheney should be held accountable "in some way that won't damage future leaders' ability to conduct war?" Are you suggesting that the means justify the ends when it comes to torturing prisoners? If so, I heartily disagree.


I have yet to read where we have gotten a lot of good information through the use of torture - though I suspect we probably did at least in some instances - but I think the clear evidence that we have and continue to torture prisoners, and the general failure to hold anybody accountable or even to acknowledge that this is really a problem - actually erodes our credibility and damages our future leaders ability to conduct war much more than would a public acknowledgement, apology, application of punishment toward more than just an obvious scapegoat like Linde, and clear change in policy.


I think it is important not only to take this propaganda point away from our enemies but to state to our allies or potential allies that we will actually apply our rhetoric about freedom and human rights. I feel the same way about their lying to take us into the war: as a direct result of that and our subsequent failure to hold them accountable, how can anybody believe us when we next go before the UN or anywhere else to report a "gathering" or "immiment" threat?


And what do you mean the torture revealed at Abu Ghraib doesn't rise to the level of atrocity? You could say that only one or two prisoners were murdered and worse things have happened elsewhere but it was an atrocity by any standard.

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Do you really think there was no atrocity committed at Abu Ghraib? Seriously?


Don't you think our application of these tactics reduces our credibility as the promoters of human rights around the world?


Are you advocating that we continue to conduct the "war on terror" in the same fashion, make changes without acknowledging any past mistakes, or what?



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What do I think about corporations and CEOs in general? I think they're opportunistics, self-serving fucks, who go around democtratic processes by manipulating the legal system, and ruin people's lives and reputations using insidious, malicious tactics. On the social scale they are right above child molesters and right below politicians.




I agree wholeheartedly.

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What do I think about corporations and CEOs in general? I think they're opportunistics, self-serving fucks, who go around democtratic processes by manipulating the legal system, and ruin people's lives and reputations using insidious, malicious tactics. On the social scale they are right above child molesters and right below politicians.




I agree wholeheartedly.


so do I.


but lawyers are one or two rungs lower.

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