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Snuggling With Madonna


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I've never found Madonna particularly attractive or sexy. I dig some of her jingles/pop tunes and some of her videos are great (especially the one Cunningham did for her), but I've never fantasized about gettin' it on with her.


Which made last night's experience particularly perplexing:


I was at a party where she was in attendance. There were a lot of the music industry glitterati there with entourages in tow. Intoxicants of all manner were available and flowing. I stayed off to the side, mostly, chit-chatting with that guy and that girl about the latest projects - generally, maintaining and building "the network" that helps to keep all musicians working.


The party ebbed slightly and I took a seat on a couch in the auxillary hallway that lead from outside in the back of the house, where the main party was banging, to the interior of the house. I was seated for less than a minute when Madonna and 5-6 of her "friends" (staff/bodyguards) came through the doorway from the party proper and started to walk through the hallway. She stopped in front of me and turned to say something to her staff. When she finished whatever she had to say to them, she turned and sat on the couch I was on; she looked frustrated.


I turned from looking at her to face her group; half were talking on cellphones, two were eyeing artwork on the wall, one was looking back out to the party. When I turned to look at Madonna again, she looked up and turned to face me. We smiled a greeting at one another and started to make small-talk about life, music, ...the usual. We started to hit it off. She broke from our conversation long enough to get the attention of her entourage and wave them off, after which, they soon departed.


It wasn't long before we were cuddling and kissing. Without going into all the details of the moves and escalation of passion, we ended up getting it on right there on the couch.








so, what does this dream mean?

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Go eat a dick, clownpuncher. You're not Above the Law either. :fahq:


My reply was in answer to dechristo's question. But hey, if you feel it applies to you then knock yourself out


I easily could do that you know...but why would I?


My bad...easily confused because kevbone for better or worse is trying to become my toadie.

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On day 19 of an Alaskan Range trip I once dreamed that my girlfriend was baking a chocolate cake naked. When I walked into the kitchen she began rubbing the frosting all over her breasts. I was about to start cleaning off the frosting off when my climbing partner woke me and said it was time to get moving.


On day 21 I dreamed I was in a kitchen with a hot Latino babe who was making chicken wings. I was equally mesmerized by her butt and the hot sauce that she was massaging into the wings.


On day 25 I dreamed that my dog got into a fight with an Islamic cleric who also happened to be a king salmon.


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On day 19 of an Alaskan Range trip I once dreamed that my girlfriend was baking a chocolate cake naked. When I walked into the kitchen she began rubbing the frosting all over her breasts. I was about to start cleaning off the frosting off when my climbing partner woke me and said it was time to get moving.



Let me guess, on Day 20 you teabagged your partner in your sleep?

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