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Lost #1 Camalot and stuck Extreme cam


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Ok, I hate to post here, but somewhere in the course of the past two months my #1 old style camalot with a red kong wiregate biner was misplaced. I've been climbing with other folks on their racks so i didn't notice it till now. Last seen on the N. Ridge of Stuart or on the Temple (same trip). Really I'm puzzled as to where it went as I *never* misplace gear, could have sworn it was on the cam sling in my closet till I looked this weekend.


Also lost (stuck=booty!) an Extreme 4CU on that wierd 5.6 on Great Northern Slab at Index, the one up the ramp higher than the one everyone climbs. You wouldn't want it anyways, just look at the striped pink neon sling, it's probably older than you.


I know, finders keepers, especially on the stuck one, but if you don't need it I have beer and good karma if you get it back to me.

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booty is booty, don't lay this shit on somebody else. you obviously couldn't get it out yourself, so it is public property and no one should feel any sort of guilt to return it to you. you abandoned it and it's not yours anymore.


Switch to decaf bro!


I dont have, nor will have you cams, but if I did, I would for sure give them back. You do have balls to ask for them back on this site. thumbs_up.gif

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Thanks Kevbone and Jason,

I share responsibility since I couldn't get it out and Jason was cool enough to give me a few bucks. But hey, what have I got to lose. Actually I'm more concerned about the #1 anyways. In my book, lost gear deserves being returned if possible, booty gear is booty, but sometimes it gets given back and that's cool too. I've done both. But it's cc.com, so flame away. ;-)

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there's an ancient looking #2 camalot about 3/4 up Air Guitar


Are you talking about the totally destroyed one? That is a leftover from some gear testing/fall analysis that Mike Gauthier did after the Kropp accident.


The first cam I ever bootied was a #1 forged friend at the base of Air Guitar.


BTW, regarding your other question: Yes, I think Air Guitar is pretty typical for a 10a at Vantage. Maybe a touch softer than some others. And yes, it's probably easier than most 5.9s at Index.

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