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Well, I am on my way, finally after a little headache with immigration. At one point they told me I should just buy a new plane ticket because they would not have my passport back to me in time. Well it is all worked out and I off today, arriving a couple of days later and 26 hours fly time later in Seattle, ah yeah!

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"Off like a heard of turtles", was my one of my Dad's favorite expressions. It was most often used at the start of family road trips after we just went a block from the house and turned back to get some forgotten item.


I finally freakin' made it. Damn right it feels so damn good to be back. Today hanging at a cafe, walk around Greenlake, a trip to Greg's (worked on empting my bank account), now chillin' at the homestead. Damn I lovin' it.


PC next tuesday, unless I am at the hospital. Wallingford or Fremont area. PI?


If you two fools are out when I get back I may join you for a brew or two or three or......well I don't suppose mister fox has a cell do you, if so send me you number so I check in with the duo.

"Off like a heard of turtles", was my one of my Dad's favorite expressions. It was most often used at the start of family road trips after we just went a block from the house and turned back to get some forgotten item.







Peter Smiltons looks fwd to seeing yah...give a shout when you are back in the emerald city.


safe travels........


I would probably spend more time looking at that shit too, if I had a internet connection that actually works. I have to spend about 10 minutes to watch a silly little 10 second clip.

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