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Mods, please move this to events

Yo Ken, you getting bored over thier or something.

Got any TRs


Not bored at all. Friday night Queens Day Party hosted by the UK ambassador, later that night sushi and spliffs until early in the morning, Saturday a Rwandan wedding in where 4 couples got married at the same time, then later that day off to Akagera game park to camp out and grill sausages over the fire with more spliffs and lots of bottles of wine, Sunday game drives viewing waterbuck, gazzelles, girrafe baboons followed with a picnic in the bush, later that night dinner with a friend who is now living in Bukavu, DRC. Pretty good weekend if I may say so myself. I can't say that I am bored, I can definitely say I am tired. On top of this busy weekend still getting up early riding my bike, working and bouldering on the wall at night.


And Dave TR's of mine can be found in the international section. Been sort of slacking lately, with reports, mainly because I have been going back to the same area Little Switzerland and not going to new places. It will be a couple of weeks before I can get out again, we will be busy with traveling with family and going up to Uganda to do some safari's. Whew, I need a vacation, I'm tired.

How about the Lock and Keel on Ballard Ave? Lota space and food and beer.


Yeah, I've been there and it's good, but there hasn't been a pc there. bigdrink.gif

How about the Lock and Keel on Ballard Ave? Lota space and food and beer.


Yeah, I've been there and it's good, but there hasn't been a pc there. bigdrink.gif


Lock and Keel ain't so bad. I could drink something there.


D and H has crappy parking. So does Lock and Keel. Still, I might show. I like the L and K a little better.


I can drive one-handed, but I really hate to, so if anyone can pick me up in the north end of Ballard, I'd be much obliged. Actually I do okay with the driving part, but parallel parking is oh so suck with a broken wing.


No checks in the mail from L and I for me yet, gotta save every penny for bills. Can't go out right now. cry.gif


Hopefully soon though. Have a pint for me. thumbs_up.gif


Darn! I'm not going to be in Ballard tonight, like I had planned.




If somebunny sends a limo to pick me up on the Eastside, hell, yeah, I'll be there. Yeah, that's it, a limo. laugh.gif


Otherwise, fuck me, I'm a lame no-show. shocked.gif


Damn, wish I was closer to Sea-town.


I wouldn't really say anybody is out of line, Marylou, I just think it is amusing to see folks who are not going to be there RSVP. It is just a bull session and maybe some darts or pool along with a bear, after all. Somebody'll save a chair for you just in case you change your mind.

I wouldn't really say anybody is out of line, Marylou, I just think it is amusing to see folks who are not going to be there RSVP. It is just a bull session and maybe some darts or pool along with a bear, after all. Somebody'll save a chair for you just in case you change your mind.

Pool and a BEAR!? Shit, what am I missing? Damn. I've always wanted to see a bear up close. But, you know, sort of from a distance, too.


Bear goes with bull. You will be missing a fantastic opportunity. Now, if a couple more folks were to say "sounds good -- see you there," we'd be getting somewhere.


I plan to walk over there around 8.

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