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I'm not MattP. girls. If you wanna rip a true California mountain stud, have at me. It still won't quell your climbing weaknesses and fears. You probably ought to admit when you're licked, all over. HA

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Well then, I guess that's fairly appropriate you refer to yourself as a horse kept for breeding and/or a nail with a large head. Referring to us as 'girls' makes one wonder about your own view of them and hence would raise serious questions about your own virility (how was your 'nag' last night?).

Further, he who cries "climbing weaknesses and fears" the loudest often is the most culpable.

Sorry, did I use too big of words for you?

And uh... by the way, how would you know who Bart Simpson is unless you watched it, "GENIOUS".


Hmm... interesting that mattp shows up on the Schoeller thread just not too long after our buddy pen makes his debut.

[This message has been edited by Jman (edited 08-17-2001).]


Dude you're a riot! LOL I happened to glance on your profile before and it was Stratford or some other backwater burg in Wa State and then I glanced at it later (yes I am bored enough to do all of this shit) and you had changed it to Shasta, Ca and carreer to Pro Mountain Guide as if anyone here would give a shit if you were. I like you Pen. Stick around. :-)


Wow pen you sure are impressive- what do you use when your nips get sore underneath your kevlar falsies? do you guys have mountains in California?Wow, how great you must be down there, you definetly got me jealous- if you can find your way out of the golden shower state and actually read a map, show up at the fall fest and we'l put you in the battlecage with cavey-

no shit, there i was, me and Teddy Ruxpin on the fourth pitch of She's Gonna Blow and I look over and Teddy's got this snafflehound in a twisted love embrace just as I take a peel and he nearly lets me crater he couldn't get his hands off the little rat fast enough... I took it hard in the kevlar falsies and that's when I decided to have THE OPERATION, make Teddy Ruxpin happy with me once and for all


blakly, i think he listed stanwood as his hometown. no if that ain't a inbreed fuck your dog and give the sheep sloppy seconds kinda place i don't know what is. that is why most people drive by at 85mphs. seriously pen, after you said i'm out here you keep coming back. matter of fact you have been logged on for hours.

you be pathetic

later guys i am going to go have some dinner.



Originally posted by erik:

blakly, i think he listed stanwood as his hometown. no if that ain't a inbreed fuck your dog and give the sheep sloppy seconds kinda place i don't know what is. that is why most people drive by at 85mphs. seriously pen, after you said i'm out here you keep coming back. matter of fact you have been logged on for hours.

you be pathetic

later guys i am going to go have some dinner.

I hear ya there numbnuts. I'm having a steak and later a nice piece of ass. Don't burn your mac and cheese trollboy.


LOL. Beck that was hilarious. You all have a nice weekend. I'm off to go sport climbin' on Stuart. No Stuart is not my gay life partner..lol.

Pen: You are way too phucking phunny. Have a good weekend!

[This message has been edited by jblakley (edited 08-17-2001).]


Have fun jb - and be sure to give full details when you return!


Originally posted by pen:

I'm having a steak and later a nice piece of ass.

So, pen. Who's the lucky guy/dog/sheep/horse?




Originally posted by Jman:

Have fun jb - and be sure to give full details when you return!

So, pen. Who's the lucky guy/dog/sheep/horse?


I'll never kiss and tell. That'd be bahhhhhed. LOL



having met our esteemed collegue MattP at several Pubclubs, I will vouch for his integrity and doubt he would lower himself to post in the caustic inkwell our new friend pen is dipping himself in.

no shit there i was, Teddy's up leading the next pitch on She's Gotta Blow and I'm nursing my nips with some verglas I scraped out of a deep crack. Teddy's calling for "slack" .. "more slack" as he's pulling a corner on the buttress. Well, turns out the snafflehound he was just buggering had fled HIGHER on the cliff when Teddy dropped her to grab the stitch plate on my last fall. I look up above me and I see him rounding back around the corner 40 feet higher in a rapid traverse, following this terrified snafflehound,and he's OBVIOUSLY AROUSED,across a heinous looking ledge. Not only that, he's failed to place any pro in his amorous attempts at buggering her again, his drops his toe off a razor edged pinsized rib and takes a huge fall, lucky I had stuffed my last beanie babies in a bomber crack at the belay station, he still nearly took us both down!!! that f---er's lucky I'm still his dedicated bitch!Oh Teddy Ruxpin I think I love you!


are you dissing me and Teddy's climbing history?

naw, the doctor said I had to stop smoking crack if I wanted to get my hormone therapy started and they would rather have me drinking OLY or Shmidts' all day instead, gives me all girly curves I'm looking for.

Pen, it's called writing fiction...


I see a BATTLECAGE situation... hehehe.... pen ,i want to see you write some better climbing humor or you don't deserve your mountain moniker, more like proken pencil i would think.


The truth is in the details, pen...was that your best attempt at climbing fiction? see ya, I'll be ski mountaineering some beautiful snow this weekend and wishing it was you, me, Teddy Ruxpin and a bottle of coconut oil in my BD loveshack, wish you were here you buff climbing stud!!!

p.s. you'd like my kevlar falsies, i had em made in California so I guess you guys are up to something good down there after all.

[This message has been edited by Beck (edited 08-17-2001).]


beck, ya got me there. I concede the writing contest to you. You're really quite talented at it. You musta been porkin' your English teacher real good for the lessons huh? Was she fresh outta college or more likely of the geriatric persuasion?



I'll have you know that I change out the plate in my head every month or so. Got me a cool Kevlar number this time. Supposed to help with rockfall. And further more smart guy, the thermonuclear device I created used the methane in a sheeps stomach to trigger a small blast which in turn triggered the Plutonium I tricked the sheep into swallowing to start a fissile chain reaction. The result was baaaaoooooomm! I called it the H-bomb (h = haggis).



Originally posted by erik:

blakley, so are there any lamb chops left over???? i originaly thought the smell was caveman, but now i know it is rotten put of eastsider.

What the hell is "rotten put of eastsider"? Was you home schooled by your momma/aunt? :-) Nothing as big as a lamb chop left unfortunately. I did inadvertently invent the worlds first aerosol sheep-based product however. It's settling all over the PNW as we speak. If you breathe in hard you can actually huff the equivalent of a leg of lamb.



personally i would like to have an aerosal tuna synthetic.

if you don't know what 'rotten put of eastisder' is, then i don't think i am allowed to tell you.

i got over huffing once i felt the left half of my body go numb from huffing 'super orange' rick neauhisel's super sprint supplement.

go ar-an-ge bowl!


Then the henchmonsters show up at the same time as Tweeg and the Understander of Legends. The henchmonsters try to capture Teddy, because he's now out of control and trying to boff anything that moves, but Wooly stops them. The adventurers run away but are stopped by the cliff. The henchmonsters climb down the cliff looking for Teddy, but he's busy boffing Wooley....


Originally posted by Beck:

having met our esteemed collegue MattP at several Pubclubs, I will vouch for his integrity and doubt he would lower himself to post in the caustic inkwell our new friend pen is dipping himself in.

no shit there i was, Teddy's up leading the next pitch on She's Gotta Blow and I'm nursing my nips with some verglas I scraped out of a deep crack. Teddy's calling for "slack" .. "more slack" as he's pulling a corner on the buttress. Well, turns out the snafflehound he was just buggering had fled HIGHER on the cliff when Teddy dropped her to grab the stitch plate on my last fall. I look up above me and I see him rounding back around the corner 40 feet higher in a rapid traverse, following this terrified snafflehound,and he's OBVIOUSLY AROUSED,across a heinous looking ledge. Not only that, he's failed to place any pro in his amorous attempts at buggering her again, his drops his toe off a razor edged pinsized rib and takes a huge fall, lucky I had stuffed my last beanie babies in a bomber crack at the belay station, he still nearly took us both down!!! that f---er's lucky I'm still his dedicated bitch!Oh Teddy Ruxpin I think I love you!


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