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Look Out, Annabelle


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I commented on the previous discussion on ADD, mainly becasue I have been diagnosed with it, and it in no way affects my ability to climb. Damn, wish I had had parents that made me feel like I had a dibilitating ailment that I needed to get over and climb the 7 summits! Next thing you know, we will have a climber with "Restless Legs Syndrome" (yes, it is real and one can get medication for treatment) who completes the 7 summits with a list of sponsors in tow..... rolleyes.gif

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I know a Captain of Industry, Who made big bombs for the R.F.C., And collared a lot of L s. d.-- And he--thank God!--has the O.B.E.


I know a Lady of Pedigree, Who asked some soldiers out to tea, And said "Dear me!" and "Yes, I see"-- And she--thank God!--has the O.B.E.


I know a fellow of twenty-three, Who got a job with a fat M.P.-- (Not caring much for the Infantry.) And he--thank God!--has the O.B.E.


I had a friend; a friend, and he Just held the line for you and me, And kept the Germans from the sea, And died--without the O.B.E. Thank God! He died without the O.B.E."


I didn't realize here dad was that Bond. built on my banking back rolleyes.gif

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anybody else find it a bit sketchy that she doesn't have one climbing sponsor.....????


for such an "accomplished" mountaineer you would expect at least one climbing sponsor...no?


Well seeing as how you're a BOULDERER, which is the climbing world's spiritual equivalent of the recreational resort SNOWBOARDER, who base each other's legitimacy on whose wool beanie was obtained for free (i.e. "sponsorship"), I can see why this might be a dilemma.

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This reminds me of this calc class I took at UW. Just about everyone would fall asleep during class, because it was early (for a college student) in the morning and his delivery of math concepts was rather dry. One day I was dozing (I usually was in a half-sleep state); he was lecturing and all of a sudden, he slams his hands on the table, breaking his pencil. He then throws the half of the pencil that he was still holding across the room and yells "WAKE UP! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LISTEN I'M LEAVING!" and he storms out of the room. yelrotflmao.gif It was pretty damn funny.


(Sorry for the thread drift. As you were.)

That's because you chose a party school. rockband.gif
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