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Men over X


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To the extent that men tend to accumulate wealth as they age, they become more and more attractive to women. The way their wallets bulge is considered quite beautiful. Now if they are a dirt bag climber, well...all bets are off, unless we're talking fame...

Dude. You got it all wrong.

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I hate to get involved, but here goes -


Men tend to agree on what an attractive woman is. Of course there are exceptions, but generally speaking, men agree on what they like to see in a woman. This makes it very easy to make generalizations about the "salad years" and such.


Women on the other hand, are very different. Some can agree on certain aspects, but I think it's more of the whole picture that gets 'em going. You can see it with couples like Billy Joel and Elle McPherson. Elle had plenty of money, but she still married the guy. It's impossible for us to predict, but a good thing in the end.


CBS mentioned a fat wallet. A lot of women want a man that is financially stable, that goes without saying, but I doubt a lot of women want to be financially dependant. On the other hand, if blaming your own shortcomings on the greed of others gets you through another lonely night at home, so be it.

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I had to trot out the conventional wisdom in order to get the discussion going. What I said applies mainly to hot chicks other than climbers, but it is generally true.

You just don't get it.

It is not "wisdom" when it is wrong. And you didn't try to get the discussion going, you were restating what you believe. You can't seem to get it through your head that it is not "generally true" that any chick wants to be financially dependent. And most don't want a man who can't maintain gainful employment either.

This is very simple to understand. It is time for a data dump in your old head.

Reread Fender's post--it is very clear.

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