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The kiss of death


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There's a couple kids in my wife's school that are known as the "peanut boys". If they touch a counter that had peanuts or peanut butter on it they go into anaphylatic shock. So no food of any sort can be in the classrooms, no home-made snacks (in case of peanut residue), and there is a constant regime of wiping desks. One set of the parents is cool, the other threatened to sue the school when one teacher (after school hours) brought a cookie to another in her classroom while the parent was there. She had baked it at home and it had no nuts.


Very odd allergy. Seems like a Dawinian clause.

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There is a Houston company called Tanox that has developed anti-IgE antibodies for treatment of asthma(Xolair, TNX-901) in collaboration with Novartis and Genentech. It turns out it also has application in peanut allergy which is also IgE mediated. There are clinical trials under weigh.


Apparently, since Xolair is approved for one disease, doctors have the right to prescribe off-label for peanut allergy if they wish, even though the drug is not approved for that use. Good luck getting your doctor to do that.

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