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i can't believe you are really this clueless. you can decide for yourself what image you want to give to people who read you. i firmly intend to be in control of the image i project and not leave it to liars like PP. whether you like it or not isn't really relevant. hahaha.gif

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And don't forget I am a Rear Admiral wink.gif


you are especially a rightwing goon who thinks he can intimidate others by making outlandish accusations in public.


Jesus fucking christ j_b take a pill. You should be laughing at crap like that instead of redlining your blood pressure.


Please try and be less serious this is spray after all. Do you really expect to resolve all the ills of the world here. hellno3d.gif


Maybe you should seek profesional help. yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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Jesus fucking christ j_b take a pill. You should be laughing at crap like that instead of redlining your blood pressure.


right, wingnuts calling progressives, terrorists supporters, on an internet board in the middle of the war on terror! boy, the thought of it is just too hilarious. hahaha.gif it's no surprise they have walked all over us for the last 20years!

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Rear Admiral: Private Parts!


Private Parts: Sir yes sir.


RA: Private I want you to get on your knees with this brush and swab the deck.


PP: Sir can I use a mop


RA: Private I'm giving you a direct order. Now get on your knees.


PP: Sir how much of the deck should I swab?


RA: Just get on your knees and I'll direct you from behind.

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i can't believe you are really this clueless. you can decide for yourself what image you want to give to people who read you. i firmly intend to be in control of the image i project and not leave it to liars like PP. whether you like it or not isn't really relevant. hahaha.gif

Can you see the problem with this?










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The professor is in the front of a large darkened auditorium filled with people. The film of his exhaustive, contemplative, expansive thesis has just finished rolling. Someone in the audience is holding their hands up in the stream of white light still emanating from the film projector creating silhouette images of bunnies and flying birds. The professor is outraged by this show of construed disrespect here at the end of his monumental dissertation. Still on stage, enraged he stands in the stream of white light, his silhouette magnified on the big screen. Blinded by the lightbeam and his rage, the professor is oblivious to the fact that he is center stage. He screams and rales into the darkness against the person who has sullied him and his doctoral show on "Contemplations For the Good of Mankind In Progressive Thought".


The house lights are turned high. All the crowd, amused, and the professor, aghast, turn their gaze to a young boy standing before the film projector, unaffected.


The crowd comes away from the exposition with various impressions unintended by the professor; many with wry smiles.

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