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J_B -- Just how can you stand the cognitive dissonance that musty be raging inside your head?


Oilyclimber -


Who shot SUGE!







I'd send you the link to this but you've hurt my feelings!



So what is wrong with bribing public officials to obtain public services, provided the practice is known and wages are adjusted accordingly? In effect, bribes shift the financing of public services from taxes to a combination of taxes and fees for service. By injecting a market element into public services, bribes can actually improve efficiency when used to get around rigid or inefficient rules. To recur to the 1950s in New York, municipal ordinances forbade contractors doing construction work to obstruct sidewalks and streets, but often it was impossible to do such work without creating at least minor obstruction and so contractors bribed police to look the other way. The net effect on social welfare was probably positive.
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who the f**k is that? you also said i supported hamas and hezbollah! you are a freaking liar peter puget and i am sick and tired of your intimidation tactics? you figure it just will be enough to smear someone to have them shut up, huh?

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J_B to that I can only respond - again without a link!


While European countries will remain rich in terms of per capita income (about $32,500), their relative weight will decline with their demographics and weaker growth (on average, almost half as much as the United States)...The increased weight of [faster growing European countries like Ireland] will not...be sufficient to compensate for the retreat of its historic champions [britain, France, Germany] who will feel the full weight of their society's declining demographics... [And while there remain concerns about the United States' twin deficits,] because the United States will remain the world's superpower for the next two decades, the dollar still has some beautiful days ahead of it, remaining the key international reserve currency, so American budget deficits should remain under control, can be financed, which should avert a major international crisis.


Deutsche Bank Group

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