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[TR] Mt Stuart- Descent of Cascadian Couloir via NR 8/20/2005


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Climb: Mt Stuart-Descent of Cascadian Couloir via NR


Date of Climb: 8/20/2005


Trip Report:

After reading so many posts about the great lengths people go to to try and descend the Cascadian Couloir on Mt Stuart, Wazzumountaineer and I decided to see what it was all about. We decided to approach the couloir via the North Ridge. We timed our departure from the car so that we reached Ingall's lake just as natural light became abundant.


Mt Stuart from Ingall's Lake



We continued up and down over stuart pass and goat pass until our approach route to the summit of stuart was in sight.


View of North Ridge from Goat Pass



We crossed the stuart glacier which was icy with steep and exposed portions. Anyone who doesn't bring an ice axe AND crampons on this is far braver than I ever hope to be.


Kurt crossing the stuart glacier. I took a slightly higher line. The steep snow/ice matched with low top shoes was not particulary comfortable.



Apparently this ridge is a popular approach to the Cascadian, and all I can say is that the climbing, views, position, etc are all spectacular. We reached the gendarme in 2.5 simul pitches and took a break to wait for the party ahead of us to move on. These next pitches are awesome. The first would be a four star single pitch anywhere in the country IMO. The position only makes it that much better. We hauled the relatively light leader's packs while the second carried their pack.


Kurt following the first gendarme pitch



Kurt leading on the 2nd Gendarme Pitch



After that, 2 more simul pitches and one belayed pitch lead us to the summit. Here I enjoyed my hard earned pre-made burrito that I carried up. Unfortuneately, the summit shot did not come out. We began to build up anticipation for our objective, the descent of the cascadian. The first thousand feet of the descent were not too bad as we still felt pretty good at this point. The next thousand feet of first rate scree surfing were also quite a treat. The next thousand feet were surpisingly equally exciting. Amazingly, this sustained descent stayed awesome for the entirety of its 4200 vertical feet. The 1500 foot climb back to Long's pass only served to sweeten this superbly radical descent. At least the views were nice...




We made it back to the car just after dark and I decided to drive home while Kurt opted to save his 4+ hour drive till the morning.


What an awesome day in the mountains!


Gear Notes:

60m 8.6mm half rope

single cams green alien to 3.5 camalot, extra hand size DMM (could have easily left 3.5 in the car)

8 medium nuts (BD 4-11)

Ice Axe - necessary in morning

Crampons - necessary in morning

Lowtop hiking shoes - nice in the pack, rough on the glacier/descent


Approach Notes:

Liquid water at ingall's lake and stuart glacier.


Snow patches in approach gully and on cascadian.


Trail to stuart pass might be hard to see.

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HAHAH! Awesome!


If you want a *real* treat, try the Ulrich's coulior descent. We hoped to go down the Cascadian and also used the NR for our approach. Unfortnately in the fading light (we weren't particularly fast) we went down the wrong coulior... hellno3d.gif

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Last I checked Stuart is in the Alpine Lakes.... someone want to move it?


Thanks Jason for the great day in the hillz! My legs are still feeling the love from the Cascadian. pitty.gif


I think a 3.5 is totally overkill for the offwidth, it's easily protected with a 3--if you bump it up once. blush.gif

Edited by wazzumountaineer
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Yes, aluminum pons were fine. There is still some seasonal snow on the upper part of the glacier, but ice down low where steel pons would be nice (if you go low like I did). Take an axe or 3rd tool.


John, we smoked the Cascadian in less than 3 hours! (the NR in 5:20 and the car-to-car was 17:45) with a fair amount of rest breaks. rolleyes.gif

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