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[TR] Prusik Peak- South Face 8/7/2005


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Climb: Prusik Peak-South Face


Date of Climb: 8/7/2005


Trip Report:

Jeff H and I climbe Prusik peak via the south face. We hiked in from the snow lakes side. The hike was nice; I haven't been up that trail in a long time.


Prusik Peak



We got to the base of the face at about 7:30 and decided to do as many chimneys as possible, so I led the first pitch via the chimney.


South Face from the bottom



Top of the first pitch



From their there's a bunch of nice climbing to the chockstone chimney and the flairing chimney above. I led this as one pitch.


Part way up the flairing chimney



Jeff led the pitch to the summit. I really like how the climb ends at the summit instead of turning into bullshit 1 or 2 pitches below the top.


Jeff on the Summit Pitch



View of Little Anapurna



From the top we did 4 single rope rappels and then traversed to the west ridge. A little scrambling and one more rappel got us back to our packs.


From the base of the face it's a long way out, but it's a good climb!!


Gear Notes:

Standard rack to 4"


Approach Notes:

We'd heard about the horror show around Colchuck lake, what with no painted dots marking the trail, so we chose Snow lakes as the approach. To our horror their were no painted dots there either, but we managed to survive.

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