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Tired Old Clichés


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anothe cliché that bores the fuck out of me (tho i wasn't able to put it in a quick, succinct phrase) is when you hear people moaning and grumbling about how THEIR neighborhood... or THEIR hometown ... or their home county... or state .... or region ... is seeing new subdivisions and strip malls and parking lots and other forms of .. of .... <<ghoulish demonic voice>>.. Developpmennttt...


you seem to especially hear it from those who grew up in the southern and western states, which have seen the fastest population growth in the last 20 years. but even back in my hometown (DC suburbs), you hear people say this shit. and it's amazing how much bitterness and frustration you hear some of them seem to have about about all their cherished little places that got paved over in recent years.


wake up, PEOPLE!!!


the whole goddam planet is getting crowded!!!

believe it or not, there is NOT any type of consipracy, government or otherwise, to especially make YOUR precious little hometown a hyper-paved, hyper-gridlocked, hyper-commercialized, HORRIBLE place to live!!! it's happening elsewhere too.


so quit yer bitching.



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people who get upset with old web site because people at old web site suck, start new web site with cool new people, vow never to return to old site, spend 99% of time bitching about people on old site, get bored with new site, return to old site just to 'kick the dog', get upset with liberal commie pinko fags on old site, vow never to return, go back to cool new site with cool people, bitch about people on old site, get bored ...

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anothe cliché that bores the fuck out of me (tho i wasn't able to put it in a quick, succinct phrase) is when you hear people moaning and grumbling about how THEIR neighborhood... or THEIR hometown ... or their home county... or state .... or region ... is seeing new subdivisions and strip malls and parking lots and other forms of .. of .... <<ghoulish demonic voice>>.. Developpmennttt...


you seem to especially hear it from those who grew up in the southern and western states, which have seen the fastest population growth in the last 20 years. but even back in my hometown (DC suburbs), you hear people say this shit. and it's amazing how much bitterness and frustration you hear some of them seem to have about about all their cherished little places that got paved over in recent years.


wake up, PEOPLE!!!


the whole goddam planet is getting crowded!!!

believe it or not, there is NOT any type of consipracy, government or otherwise, to especially make YOUR precious little hometown a hyper-paved, hyper-gridlocked, hyper-commercialized, HORRIBLE place to live!!! it's happening elsewhere too.


so quit yer bitching.





Gotta give you this one! cool.gif I recently visited one of my brothers in Wenatchee. The valley was a pall of smoke and my brother was lamenting the fact that this was a result of apple orchards being bull-dozed and burned to make way for new housing. He and his wife were truly heart-broken....


...he moved to Wenatchee last year...and lives in a new sub-division. blush.gif

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"three-out-of-five doctors who smoke, smoke Camels"


"Tarringtons, I'd rather fight than switch"


the opening theme music to Bonanza


Lorne Greene


"faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, 'Look! Up in the sky... it's a bird, it's a plane, IT'S...'"


"...it's not a war"


"marijuana use leads to heroin"


"I'm not a crook"


"Marilyn Monroe was found naked and dead"


"Lee Harvey Oswald was shot at point-blank by Jack Ruby, a businessman with reported Mob connections, while being escourted by a contingent of law enforcement officers; there is no apparent connection to the President's assissination."


"Brillcream: a little dab'll do ya."


"Are you a Republican or a Democrat? Nahhhh, I'm a Pedestrian!" (Curly Howard)

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people who get upset with old web site because people at old web site suck, start new web site with cool new people, vow never to return to old site, spend 99% of time bitching about people on old site, get bored with new site, return to old site just to 'kick the dog', get upset with liberal commie pinko fags on old site, vow never to return, go back to cool new site with cool people, bitch about people on old site, get bored ...


We're talking cliches here, sultana. I posted the definition. Use that great scientific mind you're always bragging about...and try to stay focused.

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tighter than Dick's hatband

simile-a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds.


cliche-a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse.

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tighter than Dick's hatband

simile-a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds.


cliche-a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse.


Yeah, I know I've abused horribly the concept of this thread. But, in this case, it is a simile that lost its originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse.


... in the first half of the twentieth century

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