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seattle commie city


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Fairweather, if my comments seem more leftist than that's my fault for rising to the bait more often on issues such as the environment that mean a lot more to me than most things. more often, i'm willing to let others such as yourself argue the conservative side of other issues. i admit, i'm not hard right. in fact, i'm more libertarian than i let on.

the only problem i have is that pinko lefties are very willing to forget atrocities commited by communism ans soviets in particular. and accept the comunism as legit system.

just as bad? no
- this statement is the esemce of the problem. lack of education breeds ignorance. you can't compare this (or other civilized countries) with soviet union. seperate universe. hence you can't even start imagining how bad things can get.
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honestly, i think there are much larger issues to concern myself with than a piece of sculpture in fremont. if you find it offensive, well, go for it. i just think you're losing the forest for the trees.

it's not the sculpture, its what it stands for. ignorance is a terrible thing

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glassgow, my meaning was that our country isn't nearly as bad as former soviet states. i merely pointed out we aren't perfect and need some work and have to be constantly vigilant. geez. get over yourself. i've done plenty of reading on political orders, here and in the soviet union, i've studied russian, i've been to ukraine several time. i have a fair bit more education than you're likely to admit. obviously, i haven't "lived" it, but so what?

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if you look at the numbers lenin vs stalin, lenin was much more efficient in killing people. only this western world pinko utopia (spread by stupid fuckers like chomsky) portraits lenin as this "good guy".

even more: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4514217.stm

the revission of the history in the past 12 months by neo-soviet officials just proves that nothing really changed . once a commie, always a commie. and soviets/russia never apologized to any of the coutries for any of the atrocities they commited. they also never apologized for killing thousands of people in hungary in 1956, in czechoslovakia in 1968. nor for killing their own citisens.



Let's not forget the TEN MILLION Ukrainians who were starved to death when they refused to give up their farms to collectivization. I would bet that less than 1 in 500 American highschool seniors could cite this horrible history. Our national education machine seems suspiciously selective when it comes to leftist crimes.


Teach your children.

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Let's not forget the TEN MILLION Ukrainians who were starved to death when they refused to give up their farms to collectivization. I would bet that less than 1 in 500 American highschool seniors could cite this horrible history. Our national education machine seems suspiciously selective when it comes to leftist crimes.


Teach your children.


And in the west, commie-loving cocksuckers like Duranty were lionizing the wonderful marxist ideals, hid the famine-ethnocide, and were given prizes for their great work (Pulitzer).


Stalin meanwhile was bragging about his abundant agricultural output for the year, which was nothing of the sort - he confiscated it from farmers and sold it at dirt-cheap prices on the world market while his own people starved to death. Yeah, that really compares to all our "problems" in the US. Fucking morons.

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that's because i am on a number of things. i tend to be more liberal about the environment but i'm not some blind tree hugger. i was for the alaska pipeline when we built it but was glad my home state worked to make sure the environment was protected. i think there's a balance that can be struck but too often it seems we are swinging to one extreme or the other. that said, i think there are things that need protecting. i think drilling in anwr is stupid but not for environmental reasons. i've worked at prudhoe bay and seen what can be done. i think a good balance can be struck there again. that said, i also think there are places that need protecting.

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yes yes. we all know what you sputniks think of americans. you're very impressive. i'm sure if your skills weren't so valuable here, you'd be back home helping the rodina become a real nation, right?


Duren' ty - khiba ya "sputnyk"? Mozhe ya narodyvsya na chuzhyni. Pan ne znaye toho, shcho pyshe, ale ce bulo yasno z pershoho postyngu do forumu. Pishov ty duren' na try veseli litery...

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Fairweather wrote:

Let's not forget the TEN MILLION Ukrainians who were starved to death when they refused to give up their farms to collectivization. I would bet that less than 1 in 500 American highschool seniors could cite this horrible history. Our national education machine seems suspiciously selective when it comes to leftist crimes

in Chomsky's opinion living in soviet union was a paridise!

Foraker wrote:

glassgow, my meaning was that our country isn't nearly as bad as former soviet states

i never said it was- to the contrary the oposite. it gave me a refuge. but i don't like when monuments of my coutry opressors are erected in the middle of the city i frequent.

i've done plenty of reading on political orders, here and in the soviet union, i've studied russian, i've been to ukraine several time. i have a fair bit more education than you're likely to admit. obviously, i haven't "lived" it, but so what?

so out of all people you should know better not to endorse communism in any shape or form. feelings about ocupation will run for decades- look what happen in china just a few weeks ago!

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not that it really matters to most of you numbskulls but chomsky is certainly not a leninist. neither are the immense majority of leftwingers throughout the world. as a matter of facts many non-stalinist leftists lost their lives in the ussr (actually anyone not obedient to stalisnism). but, please, keep spouting the non-sense ... just thought i'd interject a little realism.

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i didn't realize being sanctimonious was part of your cultural heritage. how can you live in our little 'confederacy of dunces' (to steal a phrase) anyway? you must be about ready to bust a vein.


zhivut' yobanye duraki kak i ty vezde - vo vsekh stranakh mira.


raznicya est' to, chto zdes' mozhna svobodno protiv vas pisat' da govorit'. the_finger.gif

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if you think i'm endorsing communism, then you're sadly mistaken. what i'm endorsing is perspective. hey, i'm sorry the lenin statue causes you pain. please feel free to do something about it. personally, it's not on my radar. maybe it motivates people to learn about lenin. that's a good thing then. i'd say to 99% of the people in seattle it's just a cultural icon of a failed political system. it's 'kitsch' as we say. anyway, just like many things the left dislikes, i think it's one of those painful historical truths that should be out there in people's faces. at least there aren't any young pioneers laying flowers around it, eh?

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And in the west, commie-loving cocksuckers like Duranty were lionizing the wonderful marxist ideals, hid the famine-ethnocide, and were given prizes for their great work (Pulitzer).


Stalin meanwhile was bragging about his abundant agricultural output for the year, which was nothing of the sort - he confiscated it from farmers and sold it at dirt-cheap prices on the world market while his own people starved to death. Yeah, that really compares to all our "problems" in the US. Fucking morons.

if we are mentioning names let's not forget cock sucker chomsky, who stated:(not exact quote, but something to a degree) yes, there were casualities in ukraine during great purge, but think what could happen if the reforms were not implemented?- yes maybe 10- 20 million people would not die?

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as a matter of facts many non-stalinist leftists lost their lives in the ussr (actually anyone not obedient to stalisnism). but, please, keep spouting the non-sense ... just thought i'd interject a little realism.


Those "leftists" who died were far from innocent angels. The majority were vile scum who committed plenty of murders and inflicted suffering in the name of their communist ideology. They just happened to lose the power struggle with Stalin. If they had won, they'd have killed him and committed atrocities in his place.


Keep apologizing for the butchers of communism though, it just proves glassgowkiss's points. There's no difference between a communist apologist and a nazi-apologist - save that the latter are harder to find.

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not that it really matters to most of you numbskulls but chomsky is certainly not a leninist. neither are the immense majority of leftwingers throughout the world. as a matter of facts many non-stalinist leftists lost their lives in the ussr (actually anyone not obedient to stalisnism). but, please, keep spouting the non-sense ... just thought i'd interject a little realism.

hey nibblenuts. i think if someone officialy (in writing) endorses the system it makes him a stalinist. or leninist or a communist. goebels didn't shoot anyone in person.

there are coutless quotes from cock sucking chomsky, endorsing what was going on in soviets after 1917.

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if we are mentioning names let's not forget cock sucker chomsky, who stated:(not exact quote, but something to a degree) yes, there were casualities in ukraine during great purge, but think what could happen if the reforms were not implemented?- yes maybe 10- 20 million people would not die?


I hope Chomsky spends eternity with Kaganovich, Beria, and Stalin razom iz Chortom v najhlybshomu kil'ci pekla.

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