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Note of Appreciation


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Greetings to all --


As winter draws ever-so-slowly to a close I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone who has visited my website; when I began posting images back in October of '04, I never imagined the response I have gotten. It has been most gratifying and humbling, to say the least. The climbing community in particular has been very supportive. I have had a number of personal contacts with climbers through cc.com, and you all should know that it is never a burden, in any way, to receive requests for images. In fact, because of such contacts, I have gotten quite a few ideas of areas I should cover, new peaks, etc., which has helped me to really expand the scope of my website.


I want to particularly thank John Roper, who kept egging me on to do something with my photographs. I should have listened to him long ago! A true North Cascadian...


Here are several images from a photographic flight I conducted this morning, 50-mph wind at peak level notwithstanding. These and others will end up in one of my galleries later this week. (My apologies to the skiers, as the descent routes on these appear rather severe - but perhaps not impossible??!!)






Kindest Regards,

John Scurlock

Concrete, WA

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As you can see I don't quite have this upload thing down yet (at least not here...) -




the three images are posted at the bottome of this page. Judging from the hit counts a number of you are already there! I am hoping to get DSL up here in fifty yrs or so!

That will take care of part of my problem.

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