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not my words, but i must agree


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Pretty lame. You lose an argument so you resort to name calling. Throw in a red herring to change the subject so no one will realize that you are a loser.


Why dont you try using facts and logic to counter our arguments ?


We believe in exercising our rights to "keep and bear arms" as specified in the constitution. Joining the military has nothing to do with it.



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For me, I like to keep the number of laws as small as possible. Laws are there to make sure that others do not encroach on your rights. I do not see where gay marriage would encroach on heterosexuals' rights. Can you point this out? Just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean that there should be a law against it.


HOLY SHIT! I agree with S_H. hellno3d.gif

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and one more thing- if it wasn't for the divission of europe by US and british government in Yalta in 1941 millions of people like myself would not have to escape in the first place, so shut the fuck up you dickwad. i dion choose to meve here, i was forced to. i was forced because the president of the US decided that coutry like poland will be sold to the soviet union. you really pissed me off you cock sucking fuckwad.


Now your ignorance is really showing. The agreement at Yalta is a lot more complicated than just the major powers dividing the world up into pieces. It was required to allow the allies to concentrate on the main task at hand which was defeating Germany and Japan.


It also just recognised the fact that the Western powers were not going to fight against Russia to free the countries it occupied.


The agreement did not give or sell Poland or any other country to the USSR. In fact the agreement called for free elections after the war. It is not our fault that Stalin did not fullfill the agreement.


Blame the Polish people for cooperating with the Russians. Blame Stalin and Russia for taking control of Poland. Blame Hitler for defeating Poland in WWII. Blame the Polish people and government for failing to defend their country against the Germans.


You cannot blame the USA for what happened to Poland. We were under no obligation to free Poland from the Russians. You should be grateful that we stood up to the USSR and eventually defeated them. We freed you after fighting for 50 years against your oppressor and all you do is blame us for things that we could not do and did not do. Pretty sick!



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In fact, why would anyone care whether they get shot at with a gun with or without a pistol grip, or bayonet lug?


simple- the length of the weapon and ability to hide. there is a minimum lenght issue.

my point is that i am not agains gun ownership. have a gun, have a hangun if you want. but there is simply not enough safety and not enough enforcement.


It is illegal for any rifle to be under 26" long or to have a barrel that is shorter than 16" according to federal law. It does not matter if it is classified as an assault rifle or not The charactoristics that make a rifle an assault rifle are largely cosmetic


your logic is like this- i am responsible, so why do i have to suffer concequences for some dummbshit asshole- right. i get your point. but the other side of the issue is like this. if there is a dangerous section of the road and high rate of the accidents the first thing that will happen is the speed limmit gets lowered. that's called public safety. you can be a race car driver and you can go safely through this section twice the speed limmit, but you still have to obey the rule, right?

you said, gun related crimes are commited by criminals. that's an oxymoron. the fact is that if you commit a crime, using a gun - that makes you a criminal.

canada has higher gun ownership rate then the united states. yet i can walk on the street there without worry. so what is the big deal? you pass a test showing you can handle the gun, the same way you have to pass the test that can show you can operate car or an airplane. tell me what's wrong with that?


I am sure that you can think of many arguments against gun ownership. None of them really matter. The fact is that our Constitutions allows citizens to keep and bear fireams. If you don't like this fact than you should change the Constitution with an amendment.



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I do not see where gay marriage would encroach on heterosexuals' rights. Can you point this out?


1. Longer lines at the Vegas drive-thru wedding chapels.


2. Higher prices for divorce and pre-nup attorneys due to increased demand.


3. Wedding rings more expensive.


4. Less "available" guys for guys like ConradCA.


5. More chance that the kid you put up for adoption (because you're too much of a deadbeat to take on the responsibility) might get adopted by a homosexual couple.


6. Might have to change a lot of names in your address book.


7. More weddings to attend and gifts to buy.


8. more?

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Something else to note is the fact that no handgun or rifle is sold in this country new without a trigger lock included in the package. I have quite a collection that I use for securing my luggage when I travel by airplane.

They seem to work best for that application


omfg! what airplane? you are so far in a la-la land it's scary! current FAA regulations prohibit locking your bags, so they can be inspected by contollers. you ARE a redneck ....just keep going- it's a mighty fine funny what you are writing.....


Umm.. not two weeks ago the security gal at the international airport told me that they prefer to see locked luggage, because that means no one else can fuck with it. They can see everything with the various scanners they use. Maybe you are referring to carry on? Regardless, you are wrong accuse someone of being in lala land on this topic.

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