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my web page

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looks like this part of the web site is more about injuries then training. i started my own web site as of today. jon is cool enough to link my web page to this section- thanks!

so here is a deal. i will be trying to answer as much as i can about injuries. muscle/ soft tissue is my field.

on my web page i will post some FAQ, i started this a week ago, but i am leaving for 2 weeks, so i will not have time to deal with this for a bit. i will also have some interesting articles posted, focused on climbing related injuries, but not only.

one more thin- this is free service, so please be patient. as you know i travel a lot. also i work quite a bit when i am in b-ham, so don't expect me to drop everything and sit in front of the comp. if the matter is urgent, just call me- it's much easier to deal with this over the phone.

anyway- the address to my page is www.robertrogoz.com

don't worry, i'll still be a nasty prick as far as my voice in other sections, exept this one. here you can count on my opinion as a practitioner.

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