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Is anybody else sick of...


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lance, vegas is terrible, but hell is actually phoenix, AZ. It may be the only place on earth worse, and not even for the heat! However, if you like crime, heat, and ugly terrain, phoenix is the place!


I am dissapointed that I will be in CO for sept, which is the nicest month here, IMHO.


Agreed! At least vegas is fun for a long weekend. I lived in Phoenix for seven years...ugh

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the_finger.gifbeyotch. i have been unemployed and a slacker long enuff. but, why are you lounging and not out climbing...

oh yeah too busy spraying.

have fun tomorrow. i wish i could go but, work is now and soon i will be rich so i don't have to work when you are still unemployed eating peanut butter and ricecakes.


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The heat must really suck while rock climbing or sitting at your desk... Try carring around a 50lb sack o spruce trees in this heat and sweating 5-10L trying to plant 2000 of them in a day. Oh the joy! Luckly treeplanting ended last week and I get to upgrade to a 60lbs backpack of herbicide spray. Wearing coveralls is horrible in this heat. I want to die. Now I get to go back to my sauna of a hotel room at the Prince George Hotel. You can't even sleep on the bed it's so hot so we sleep on the floor. Better sun than rain. Have fun on the rocks and thank the gods your not in Prince George or ft. st. john or chetwynd or whatever shithole they send us to next.

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