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[TR] Three Fingered Jack- normal shiznit 7/23/2004


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Climb: Three Fingered Jack-normal shiznit


Date of Climb: 7/23/2004


Trip Report:

I was inspired by criznitch's tr to do the same thing, so I snagged a partner and left. It had been a while since I climbed it so it was nice to be back.


We stared out at the cedar shack in Sweet Home cantfocus.gif on Thursday at about 8:00pm we arrived at the trail head and hiked in till it got to dark and set up a camp waiting for a tree to fall on us. The hike in was very pleasent, walking through the fire is interesting. The first two pictures where taken during the hike in, the next was the next morning.






We woke at sunrise and basically started moving right away, the misquitos came out in full force and basically drove us away. It was nice since it was cooler than it would be on the hike out. We stumbled accross the some of the plane wreckage and had to copy every one and go for the photo op, on the way back down we found one of the seats still there in the trees.



The climb it self was good, someone placed a new LA at the "crux" of the crawl, as well as some new webbing scatterd around the summit area. It was really windy but perfectly clear, so it never got to hot until the hike out.






All in all great day, very dusty though, I got really fuckin dirty, sooo we stopped at a favorite swimming spot on the South Santiam to jump off some rocks.



flying snaf.gif


Gear Notes:

1 nut


Approach Notes:


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its close to but not exactly the real high rock, wich now has just become over run with partyin fratboys, trash and more trash. When we drove by high rock there where about 40 cars there, btw did you know the acctuall rock it self split in half and a huge peice fell off? What high school did you go to?

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No, I had no idea that happened. I graduated from corvallis high in 1994. high rock was pretty empty back then and we had the run of the place. It was fun exploring the river canyons upstream and a great way to cool off after trips into the three sister or tfj and washington. Brings back some memories!

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You guys passed my wife and I on your way out. She hiked up to the notch with me then I soloed the rest of the climb. I was secretly poking fun at you two for wearing gaiters only to find myself jealous while descending that scree slope.


More information on various routes can be found in Oregon High or in the Dodge guide.

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nicee, yeah he was awsome. always interested in my ventures even didnt mark me absent a couple times when i skipped to go climbing, and always wanted to see my pictures and what not. anything else you remember? they are tearing it down next year and building a new school wich they have already started there is no more pool, parking lot or football stadium due to the construction.

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Couple years ago had one of my funnest outings on TFJ. Came in from Canyon Cr. Meadow, bit of nasty talus traversing to get over to the ridge above the PCT. Followed normal route to the summit, then descended to the PCT, followed it north, and eventually dropped back down into Canyon Cr. Meadow and back out to my car.

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