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What makes an “experienced” climber?


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I've had some bad experiences with reporters - being hounded, being asked leading questions,...it quickly got to where I'd keep my middle fingers in the air whenever I saw a camera, and whenever they asked a question I'd respond by saying "Reporters are assholes". And they are. All of them.


[ 08-01-2002, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: lizard brain ]

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I think the difference in the definition of an "experienced climber" is not with the climber, but with the media which is reporting on said climber.


Mass populace journalists know less about climbing than those that filmed "Vertical Limit." As a result the information that one might garner from these reporters must be filtered through one's own climbing experience.


For example, some of those involved in the recent tragedy on Liberty Ridge were said to be part of a climbing club. The immediate assumption by mass populace journalists is that these people were experienced. Why? Well obviously because they were in a club.


We as climbers know that just because someone flouts a club membership or a patch on their pack, their climbing resume may not include what most climbers would consider serious experience in the mountains.


On the other hand, subculture specific journalists -- those that write for magazines about climbing or serious journals like "Accidents in North American Mountaineering" -- may have the information required to make a judgement as to whether a person should be called experienced or not. As a result, I'm personally more inclined to believe the reports in these magazines and journals than those that appear in the general press.



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Most of the media/reporters have Journalism degrees....they learn the basics of writing and making it sound a cetain way versus another way, basiucally how to write for thier audience...usually the masses.


So when they write (or report), they rarely if ever have a clue about the underlying topic...but since the masses don't either, only those with knowledge in the underlying topic realize the media are idiots.


2 cents. [big Drink]

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