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War Against the Infidels

The message behind the beheadings.

by Paul Marshall in The Weekly Standard

07/05/2004, Volume 009, Issue 41


THE BEHEADING of American Paul Johnson in Saudi Arabia was

terrible enough in itself, but for me it struck strangely close to home.


Johnson's full name was Paul Marshall Johnson. When he was

kidnapped, some media outlets, and the terrorists, referred to him as "Paul

Marshall (Johnson)," with the surname in parentheses. The first I knew of

the abduction was a phone call to my office from a network evening news

reporter who thought that, since I have written on the Saudis and terrorism

and was planning to return to the Middle East, I must be the one who had

been kidnapped.


Then on Friday, June 18, al Qaeda announced Johnson's

death with the words, "In answer to what we promised . . . to kill the

hostage Paul Marshall (Johnson) . . . the infidel got his fair treatment,"

prompting more calls from friends and reporters.


Happily, of course, I could reassure them. But the episode

underlined the fact that all of us are potential targets--and not just as

Americans. Certainly, al Qaeda wants to kill Americans and drive them from

the Arabian Peninsula, not least to cripple Saudi oil production. But the

extremists, who beheaded a South Korean last week, have many more enemies

than this and much larger goals.


The statement announcing Johnson's death referred to him

as an "infidel"--in Arabic kufr, unbeliever--rather than as an American.

This is entirely consistent with al Qaeda's religiously based worldview and

its recent actions.


A few weeks before Johnson's death, the man believed to be

his murderer, al Qaeda operative Abdelaziz al-Muqrin

(himself reportedly killed on June 18 by Saudi security forces), had claimed

credit for the May 29 massacre of 22 people at Khobar, Saudi Arabia. His

statement on that occasion vowed, "We renew our determination to repel the

crusader forces and their arrogance, to liberate the land of Muslims, to

apply sharia [islamic law] and cleanse the Arabian Peninsula of infidels."

The Khobar attacks, too, were directed at "infidels" in general rather than

just Americans.


But to understand indelibly who al Qaeda thinks its

enemies are, it is advisable to read an even more chilling document. It is a

long interview with another Saudi terrorist, one of al-Muqrin's followers,

published on the al Qaeda-linked website Sawt Al-Jihad and translated from

Arabic by the Middle East Media Research Institute. Although only brief

excerpts can be given here, lengthy excerpts are available on MEMRI's

website. The speaker, Fawwaz bin Muhammad Al-Nashami, commanded the Al-Quds

[Jerusalem] Brigade, which took responsibility for the Khobar killings. In

the interview he describes the murderous rampage (except where indicated,

bracketed inserts are the translator's):


We tied the infidel [a Briton] by one leg [behind the

car]. . . . Everyone watched the infidel being dragged. . . . The infidel's

clothing was torn to shreds, and he was naked in the street. The street was

full of people, as this was during work hours, and everyone watched the

infidel being dragged, praise and gratitude be to Allah. . . .


We entered one of the companies' [offices], and found

there an American infidel who looked like a director of one of the

companies. I went into his office and called him. When he turned to me, I

shot him in the head, and his head exploded. We entered another office and

found one infidel from South Africa, and our brother Hussein slit his

throat. We asked Allah to accept [these acts of devotion] from us, and from

him. This was the South African infidel.


We went out from the company [offices] and found our

brother, Nimr the hero, standing at the entrance to the company and guarding

us, drinking a little water as though he were on a hike. [He acted this way]

because of his great courage--may Allah have mercy on him. . . .


At the same time, we found a Swedish infidel. Brother

Nimr cut off his head, and put it at the gate so that it would be seen by

all those entering and exiting. We continued in the search for the infidels,

and we slit the throats of those we found among them. . . .


We found Filipino Christians. We cut their throats and

dedicated them to our brothers the Mujahideen in the Philippines.

[Likewise], we found Hindu engineers and we cut their throats too, Allah be

praised. That same day, we purged Muhammad's land of many Christians and

polytheists. . . .


Afterwards, we turned to the hotel. We entered and found

a restaurant, where we ate breakfast and rested a while. Then we went up to

the next floor, found several Hindu dogs, and cut their throats. . . .


The Indian Muslims told us that their manager was a vile

Hindu who did not permit them to pray, and that he would arrive shortly.

When [the manager] arrived, we verified his religion by means of his

identifying documents, and we kept him with us for a short time [before

killing him--PM].


. . . brother Hussein was on the stairs and

noticed an Italian infidel. He aimed his gun at him and

told him to come closer. The infidel came closer. We saw his identifying

documents . . . afterwards we would cut his throat and dedicate him to the

Italians who were fighting our brothers in Iraq and to the idiotic Italian

president who wants to confront the lions of Islam.


Consistently, these Wahhabis describe their enemies,

whatever their country or race or politics, as "infidels" or "polytheists."

They are particularly joyful at the killing of an Italian, a Briton, and, on

June 22, the South Korean Kim Sun-il, whose countries are participants in

the coalition in Iraq. But they also kill a Swede and a South African, whose

countries took no part in the invasion, and their greatest frisson seems to

come from killing Hindus, who, as purported polytheists, are even further

down al Qaeda's religious scale than "people of the book" such as Christians

and Jews.


The pattern is consistent. It was discernible in the

Riyadh massacres of November 8, 2003, when the target was Lebanese

Christians. It's why, when BBC correspondent Frank Gardner lay bleeding in

the street after being shot by terrorists in Riyadh earlier this month, he

could buttress his claim for help by calling out in Arabic, "I'm a Muslim,

help me, I'm a Muslim, help me."


Americans, to be sure, are perceived to be the greatest

power among the infidels. But at Khobar, after debating the matter, the

terrorists spared one American because he was a Muslim, and even apologized

to him for getting blood on his carpet. Meanwhile, they happily killed

Filipino, Swedish, British, Italian, and South African Christians and Indian

Hindus--just as their allies in Thailand are killing Buddhists like the

63-year-old rubber-tapper Sieng Patkaoe, beheaded in late May. Muslims who

do not share the extremists' vision are not spared. Al Qaeda's Algerian

ally, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, has for several years

been beheading Muslims it regards as apostates. Meanwhile Sudan's National

Islamic Front, formerly called the Muslim Brotherhood and, like Hamas, an

offshoot of the Egyptian group of the same name, is attempting to starve to

death hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Darfur who do not share its



These killings are not about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal

or American actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, though those are grievances.

They are not about Israel, though that is another grievance. In fact, most

of the Islamist terrorists' victims worldwide are not Americans or even

Westerners, but Asian and Middle Eastern Christians, Muslims, and Hindus.

For the extremists, the justification for the slaughter is not current

foreign policy but rather--as the religious exaltation, even ecstasy, in

Al-Nashami's interview shows--an apocalyptic war to purge the world of all

but their version of Islam.


Spaniards will not be spared because Spanish troops are

gone from Iraq. Europe cannot make its way into the terrorists' good graces

by distancing itself from America, any more than the United States can

mollify the Islamists by acting through the United Nations or wooing "world

opinion." These are fantasies.


Al Qaeda's enemy is anyone who opposes its program for the

restoration of a unified Muslim ummah, ruled by a new Caliphate, governed by

reactionary Islamic sharia law, and organized to wage jihad on the rest of

the world. The lesson of Riyadh, Khobar, and Paul Marshall Johnson is that

we can resist this program, in which case, tragically, we may well see more

videos of beheadings. Or we can acquiesce to this program and see a great

many more beheadings. These are the choices. We are in a war we must win.

Everything else is wishful thinking.



Paul Marshall is a senior fellow at Freedom House's Center

for Religious Freedom and the author of Islam at the Crossroads.



C Copyright 2004, News Corporation, Weekly Standard, All Rights



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I guess some people would prefer to be entertained by fat fuck film producers who lead clueless lives of self indulgent propoganda. I'm pretty sick of the liberal American mindset. Makes me wonder what the fuck I even care what happens to most people. At least I know I've earned a right to live in the United States. Do you hear that liberals? I shit on all of you.

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I guess some people would prefer to be entertained by fat fuck film producers who lead clueless lives of self indulgent propoganda. I'm pretty sick of the liberal American mindset. Makes me wonder what the fuck I even care what happens to most people. At least I know I've earned a right to live in the United States. Do you hear that liberals? I shit on all of you.


Angry conservatives are so attractive. the_finger.gif

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I have come to the conclusion Michael Moorte's fatness is a carefully calculated tactic to help his common man image. Since 75% of Americans are overweight and nearly 50% obese, it helps him look like one of the people. Same with the trucker cap and puffy tongue 90's style running shoes. Maybe he's not even fat. Maybe he's just got a fat suit on.

Or maybe he's really a Japanese sumo wrestler disguised as a Michigan native.

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Maybe Moore accidentally ate Osama bin Laden while meeting with him to discuss production details for the film. Osama has resisted digestion long enough to actually take over the infidel's body and is multiplying inside him. The Moore-bomb is planned to detonate at the Republican National Convention, spraying delegates with mini-Osamas. Aieeeee!

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Good post SailBOI. I imagine it is the descendents of these riff raff who will pay for their pompous attitudes. You guys sure are brave and sure of yourselves from Seattle.


Having spent 10 years studying the members of the greater climbing community from a distance I have to remind myself what a pathetic fringe group you all really are. A short visit to pubclub a few weeks ago confirmed my suspicions of this fact. Stoned eyes, shaggy hair, slurred speech, dirty clothes, poverty level lifestyles. For the most part I assume you have never been a part of anything except a reclusive circus sideshow subculture. Some of you were lucky Bill Gates and Co came along to lend legitimacy to your perceptions of life in general.


Beck, you look like the even queerer version of Morrissey from the Smiths. If such a thing is possible I suppose...


Learn to swim...learn to swim....

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Militant Islamists are a bunch of sick minded cowards.

The Press in the West is doing a fine job of being an accessory to these murderers, with the help of Michael Moore ! mad.gif


sailBOI, please explain how The Press helped commit murder.


Over 70% of the Press are Liberal Dems ( actual poll by Time Mag )

They want to get rid of Bush, plain and simple. When do they ever publish the positive outcomes ?? The Courts and Schools in Iraq are functioning, the economy is growing ! See attached :


Task Force 185th Aviation continues to play a key role in the success of


U.S. Military operations here in Iraq. The temperatures are hot (110+), our

center of gravity is aircraft maintenance (keeping them in the air) and our

morale remains high with teamwork.


This week we'd like to tell you some more great news about what's going

on here in Iraq that you will not read or hear on the news.


1. In the last month attacks on Iraqi police forces have decreased by

more than 50%.


2. Last quarter the dinar, Iraq's currency, increased almost 15% against

the dollar.


3. Income on oil currently goes into a fund controlled by the UN, but will

soon be controlled by the new interim Iraqi government.


4. Despite terrorist violence, Iraq has attracted more than 7 million

foreign visitors.


5. Over the past year Iraq has absorbed over 1 million refugees returning

from exile.


6. A building boom in Iraq is currently underway.


7. 400 of the 5,000 Villages that experienced ethnic cleansing from

Saddam have been rebuilt.


8. This year Iraq is having a bumper harvest with record crops, especially



9. Iraq could become agriculturally self-sufficient for the first time in

30 years.


10. Iraq's economic future looks good with water, fertile land, oil and

hard working people. All they need is freedom.


11. In the past 10 months elections have been held in 37 municipalities.

The old regime, hard line Islamist groups collected a mere 1% to 3% of

the vote.


12. Iraq is like a jostling school of democracy with people coming together

in clubs, associations, tribal councils, professional guilds and trade



13. Pro-democracy voices dominate the new privately owned Iraqi press in

200 daily, weekly and periodic publications.


14. All but four of the 26 government departments set up after liberation

are now under exclusive Iraqi control.


15. Prime Minister Allawi has been sworn in ahead of the transfer of power.


16. The new government, which includes five women, is a broad based

coalition representing Iraq's ethnic, religious and political diversity.


17. Iraq's diverse political groups have already agreed on a draft



18. Iraq will participate in the Olympic games in Athens.


Considering the fact Iraq is recovering from half a century of brutal

dictatorship and three wars in one generation, their future looks great.


Well-wishers should keep the faith as we will continue to prove the

doomsters wrong.


In closing, let me quote one of Ronald Reagan's favorite sayings; "There's

no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who

gets the credit". What a great quote and what a great President he was.

We salute President Ronald Reagan.


Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers and please stay

tuned to our websites: www.185aviation.com and www.cog185.com




Bradly MacNealy

TF 185th Aviation

"In the Sunni Triangle"

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sailBOI, please explain how The Press helped commit murder.


Over 70% of the Press are Liberal Dems ( actual poll by Time Mag )

They want to get rid of Bush, plain and simple. When do they ever publish the positive outcomes ?? The Courts and Schools in Iraq are functioning, the economy is growing ! See attached :



Those things are all wonderful. Kudos to the people making it happen. Bush still needs to go.


I'm still waiting for you to tell me how the press is killing people.

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The bending of perceptions to sell a news story or influence an election is a contrived form of sedition. I believe the penalty for sedition is the death penalty. Al Jazeera kills people every day by giving terrorists an audience to commit ritual and publicized murder. Is Al Jazeera on your side protected lib?

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You and your sedition charges again. Guess you better start killing the majority of the European population as well as about a hundred million Americans.


I am thankful to enjoy a life where I don't have to put every person or thing I encounter into one of two boxes: friend or foe. Your circumstances are obviously different, but you chose to put yourself in that position.


Al Jazeera is not killing anyone. They certainly don't have any of my respect, though.

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Those things are all wonderful. Kudos to the people making it happen. Bush still needs to go.


I'm still waiting for you to tell me how the press is killing people.


Please reread what I said, I believe the Press are accessories.



By focussing perpetually on the unfortunate and inevitable negatives, with the intent to damage their nemisis, GWB, they weaken will of our troops, while strengthening the adversaries. This matter is developing in a similar way to the Viet Nam war in the sense that Kerry and his press supporters are lending comfort to the enemy, while our troopers NECKS are on the line, literally. This is being done by Kerry once again for his PERSONAL GAIN !


The continuous news coverage of the WMD issue, and the claim that our Commander in Chief of the military is a liar in this regard, and has deliberately misled the nation, make no mention of the shrill support of Democratic leaders on the WMD issue : http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/wmd.htm



The other accusation of dishonesty against GWB is the 9-11 connection to Iraq. But where is the basis for that allegation.



However, there is a huge amount of evidence that Saddam was an "accessory" ( that word again ) :



Meanwhile back to the origional purpose of this thread :



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Meanwhile back to the origional purpose of this thread :




it's not because they are muslim, as that bigoted article claims, but because they are terrorists. the terrorists may claim they are doing these acts in the name of god, but what they are doing is in violation of the koran. they are "good" muslims just like those "good" christians who hold up "god hates fags" signs at gay pride parades rolleyes.gif

yes, they are killing what they consider infidels, but that doesn't explain why it's happening. it's just rationalization i suppose.


these kinds of articles only serve to provide a grossly simplified framework for people like you to attempt to understand what's going on.

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Sorry I am so simple and stupid, luckily we have folks like you to judge us all !



To Kill an American


You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was

actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper

an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

So anAustralian dentist wrote the following to let everyone know what an

American is, so ! they wou ld know when they found one. (Good on ya,



An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish,

Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican,

African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian,

or Arab, or Pakistani, or Afghan. An American may also be a Cherokee,

Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other

tribes known as native Americans.


An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim.

In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The

only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of

them chooses. An American is also free to believe in no religion. For

that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed

thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.


An American is from the most prosperous land in the history of the world.

The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of

Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each person the

pursuit of happiness.


An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other

nation in the world in their time of need. When Afghanistan was overrun

by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies

to enable the people to win back their country.! As of

the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other

nation to the poor in Afghanistan.


Americans welcome the best, the best products, the best books, the best music,

the best food, the best athletes. But they also welcome the least. The

national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired

and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the

homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built

America. Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of

September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. I've been

told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 other

countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided

and abetted the terrorists.


So youcan try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General

Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and every bloodthirsty tyrant in

the history of the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing

yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a

particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of

freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

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Please reread what I said, I believe the Press are accessories.



Nothing I read there tells me that the press is an accessory to killing Americans in Iraq. Got any concrete examples?


By focussing perpetually on the unfortunate and inevitable negatives, with the intent to damage their nemisis, GWB, they weaken will of our troops, while strengthening the adversaries. This matter is developing in a similar way to the Viet Nam war in the sense that Kerry and his press supporters are lending comfort to the enemy, while our troopers NECKS are on the line, literally. This is being done by Kerry once again for his PERSONAL GAIN !


Are you suggesting that the Vietnam war should have dragged on for even longer? hellno3d.gif


Your claim that Kerry is deliberately putting our troops in greater danger for "personal gain" is ridiculous! Bush is putting them in danger. If he hadn't started the war, far fewer Americans would be being shot at, beheaded, bombed, or kidnapped. Remember Iraq during the no-fly zone and the UN inspectors? Not one American casualty, but Iraq remained in check.


None of your "sources" there make it past my bullshit filter, sorry.




What's your point? If you're so perturbed by the idea that someone out there wants to kill you, why don't you do something about it? I'm not as paranoid and afraid as you are. You can be sure I'll defend myself when I feel threatened, though.

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The bending of perceptions to sell a news story or influence an election is a contrived form of sedition. I believe the penalty for sedition is the death penalty.


More precisely, the penalty for treason is the death penalty. That is why it is defined in the Constitution. The founding fathers wisely anticipated that charges of treason can be thrown around lightly, as many of the above posters are doing.

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Slothrop, you are not paranoid or afraid because you are probably not going to get involved besides tapping out your thought process on a keyboard. Why dont'cha get over to the big sandbox and show your mettle?


what if everyone did as you suggested and joined up - who would keep the economy running? confused.gif what if i couldn't order a burger cheeburga_ron.gif or a beer bigdrink.gif because all the no-hope losers with dead end jobs had suddenly not only decided to enlist, but actually made it through training and into the service? shocked.gif

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