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fahrenheit 9/11


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Actually, Moore's film is providing aid and comfort to our enemies, so he is, therefore, killing our soldiers.


Bush's deception of the American people led Moore to make his film, which means that Bush is providing aid to Moore, who is ostensibly providing aid to our enemies. Therefore, Bush is killing our soldiers. QED.


Oh, wait. Bush is killing our soldiers by sending them into a needless war, too.

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Actually, Moore's film is providing aid and comfort to our enemies, so he is, therefore, killing our soldiers.


Are you wearing a "what would saddam do" bracelet this morning?


The biggest comfort to these enemies is probably whatever brings us closer to their holy war. So if you want to play obtuse word games, Bush is providing more "aid and comfort" than Moore.

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I just went to asshat.org, and this quote is particularly painful:

"Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country, and we will help them rid Iraq of these killers."


-- George W. Bush, this past week, to Al Arabiya television (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/09/opinion/09DOWD.html)




If anyone has a NYTimes subscription, what's the context?


Oh, and I can understand how some of the things in the movie could be taken out of context, but overall, Moore definately has a point. Secret Service guarding the Saudi embassy?

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I just went to asshat.org, and this quote is particularly painful:

"Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country, and we will help them rid Iraq of these killers."


-- George W. Bush, this past week, to Al Arabiya television (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/09/opinion/09DOWD.html)




If anyone has a NYTimes subscription, what's the context?


A World Of Hurt:[Op-Ed]

Maureen Dowd. New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.:  May 9, 2004.  pg. 4.



The flinty 71-year-old kept it together as John McCain pounced and Hillary prodded. But soon he was once more giving snippy one-word answers to his inquisitors, foisting them on his brass menagerie or biting their heads off himself.


By Friday evening, when the delegate from Guam, Madeleine Bordallo, pressed him on whether ''quality of life'' was an issue in the Abu Ghraib torture cases, you could see Donald-Duck steam coming out of his ears.


''Whether they have a PX or a good restaurant is not the issue,'' he said with a veiled sneer.


Rummy was having a dickens of a time figuring out how a control-freak administration could operate in this newfangled age when G.I.'s have dadburn digital cameras.


In the information age, he complained to senators, ''people are running around with digital cameras and taking these unbelievable photographs and then passing them off, against the law, to the media, to our surprise, when they had not even arrived in the Pentagon.''


Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican, mourned that America was in a ''world of hurt.'' If Gen. Richard Myers knew enough to try to suppress the CBS show, Mr. Graham asked, why didn't he know enough to warn the president and Congress?


Donald Rumsfeld, a black belt at Washington infighting, knew the aggrieved lawmakers were most interested in an apology for not keeping them in the loop. He no doubt was sorry -- sorry the pictures got out.


The man who promised last July that ''I don't do quagmires'' didn't seem to be in trouble on Friday, despite the government's blowing off repeated Red Cross warnings.


But who knows what the effect will be of the additional ''blatantly sadistic and inhuman'' photos that Mr. Rumsfeld warned of? Or the videos he said he still had not screened?


Dick Cheney will not cut loose his old mentor from the Nixon and Ford years unless things get more dire.


After all, George Tenet is still running the C.I.A. after the biggest intelligence failures since some Trojan ignored Cassandra's chatter and said, ''Roll the horse in.'' Colin Powell is still around after trash-talking to Bob Woodward about his catfights with the Bushworld ''Mean Girls'' -- Rummy, Cheney, Wolfie and Doug Feith. The vice president still rules after promoting a smashmouth foreign policy that is more Jack Palance than Shane. And the president still edges out John Kerry in polls, even though Mr. Bush observed with no irony to Al Arabiya TV: ''Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country, and we will help them rid Iraq of these killers.''


The only people who have been pushed aside in this administration are the truth tellers who warned about policies on taxes (Paul O'Neill); war costs (Larry Lindsey); occupation troop levels (Gen. Eric Shinseki); and how Iraq would divert from catching the ubiquitous Osama (Richard Clarke).


Even if the secretary survives, the Rummy Doctrine -- using underwhelming force to achieve overwhelming goals -- is discredited. Jack Murtha, a Democratic hawk and Vietnam vet, says ''the direction's got to be changed or it's unwinnable,'' and Lt. Gen. William Odom, retired, told Ted Koppel that Iraq was headed toward becoming an Al Qaeda haven and Iranian ally.


By the end, Rummy was channeling Jack Nicholson's Col. Jessup, who lashed out at the snotty weenies questioning him while they sleep ''under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it.''


Asked how we can get back credibility, Rummy bridled. ''America is not what's wrong with the world,'' he said, adding: ''I read all this stuff -- people hate us, people don't like us. The fact of the matter is, people line up to come into this country every year because it's better here than other places, and because they respect the fact that we respect human beings. And we'll get by this.''


Maybe. But for now, the hawks who wanted to employ American might to scatter American values like flower petals all across the world are reduced to keeping them from being trampled by Americans. As Rummy would say, not a pretty picture.

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Once again. I am baffled that Americans are so blind as to assume that the pictures from Abu Ghraib were in any way equivalent to the murders, bombings, kidnappings, gunfire, ambushes, etc etc etc that Americans and our allies are being subjected to over here. I say get the media out so we can wage war with impunity and get this thing over and done with once and for all. Your perceived right of freedom of information is impinging on soldiers and contractors rights to stay alive in a difficult environment.

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"...after the biggest intelligence failures since some Trojan ignored Cassandra's chatter and said, ''Roll the horse in.'" - that's hilarious - of course, while she is on the subject of Cassandra, Dowd could have also pointed out that Agamemnon ignored Cassandra's warnings against hubris, and was killed by his wife and her lover upon his return home. ...pride before the fall...

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Sorry, I just don't feel like my demise is near. You're threatened with death daily, but you choose to be there. I'd appreciate your efforts in Iraq more if I saw any benefit for me or for America, but I see your presence there inflaming hatred among Muslims, so I'd rather see you back in the US.


Get off your damn high horse already. I'm not required to agree with you to be a citizen.

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Once again. I am baffled that Americans are so blind as to assume that the pictures from Abu Ghraib were in any way equivalent to the murders, bombings, kidnappings, gunfire, ambushes, etc etc etc that Americans and our allies are being subjected to over here.


I say get the media out so we can wage war with impunity and get this thing over and done with once and for all. Your perceived right of freedom of information is impinging on soldiers and contractors rights to stay alive in a difficult environment.


Ok, so on your first point:


So you think since the other guys are doing stuff that violates international law, then it's okay for us to do it too? No way, man.


Second point: Wow, that is not going to happen for a number of reasons. Be intereresting to know how it's the media's fault, thiogh.

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