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fahrenheit 9/11


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Saw it tonight...liked it. Mostly stuff I knew, but funny and entertaining none the less. It'll be even more entertaining to see how the right trys to spin Moore's personal motives and what not, and divert attention away from the fact that, yes, indeed, george, cheney, rumsfeld, et all are in fact really shitty people.

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...yes, indeed, george, cheney, rumsfeld, et all are in fact really shitty people.


Nice opinion, sparky, rolleyes.gif and excellent abuse of the term "in fact", to qualify a subjective perspective, "really sh*tty".


When are you running for President? And who would vote for you?


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...yes, indeed, george, cheney, rumsfeld, et all are in fact really shitty people.


Nice opinion, sparky, rolleyes.gif and excellent abuse of the term "in fact", to qualify a subjective perspective, "really sh*tty".


When are you running for President? And who would vote for you?


I will most certainly be voting for Kerry. Is he who I want for president? No, not particularlly, but getting the current guy out of there is the main issue at the moment, IMHO.


Merv, will you be seeing the movie? I am curious as I'd really like to see the spin provided by some of you Bush supporters. I imagine it will be the standard method of attacking the entire message by concentrating on one or two small points you can argue over and over. It's similar to arguing over and over that saying a red apple is red is lying because, in fact, it has brown seeds. rolleyes.gif

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Wondering how much material is from "Dude! Where's my country?"



Too funny! (only because its too true)


I liked the movie.

Yes, most of the information I already knew or was already out in the press at one time or another. I think it was helpful for people like me who get confused/overwhelmed easily when reading all the news and stop following it. He put it all in a good time line that was easy to follow and understand.


The movie made me a bit sick to my stomach at one point...and it wasnt from the footage shown. Fortunately just when I felt I had enough he added quite a bit of humor. I dont think I would want to see this again. Once was enough for me!


I found it interesting that we had to go to three movie theatres before we found one that didnt have every show sold out in advance for Friday night . One, in the city. Two in the suburbs. The one we did get tickets to eventually sold out as well. Hell of a lot of folks in America are going to see this movie. The reactions and impact should be interesting.

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Merv, will you be seeing the movie? I am curious as I'd really like to see the spin provided by some of you Bush supporters. I imagine it will be the standard method of attacking the entire message by concentrating on one or two small points you can argue over and over. It's similar to arguing over and over that saying a red apple is red is lying because, in fact, it has brown seeds.


Merv says he's looking for a reason to vote for John Kerry. What he's really saying is, "I don't have enough balls to admit that I'm voting for that douchbag Bush no matter what." smirk.gif

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Michael Moore is the Anne Coulter of the Left.


Yeah, not really. Moore is at least amusing. Anne Coulter is basically just a hateful bitch. It is true, however, that you couldn't accuse Anne Coulter of manipulating statistics. Just just outright lies.

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True enough, but he scares off the right the same way Anne Coulter scares off the left. I plan on seeing the film and enjoying it as entertainment, but not much more. I watched a "news" analysis of Farenheit911 last night on MSNBC. The conservative, news reporters were angry.


Oh and Merv, you may find what I write to be "out of line" or "[in]articulate". Ditto.

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Nope. And I don't really want to see it. I simply don't like the way he jams his views down people's throats or how he creates dramatic cinematic moments that he he tries to pass off as real journalism, ya know? I guess that makes me a close minded Mike Moore "bigot" since I have not seen his latest... but I can live with that.... And I sure don't want to put anymore money in his pocket than I already have. wave.gif

Later, gotta go play in the CO sun today. Geek_em8.gif

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Yeah, I would see it as humor. It *is* funny, that is for sure. the confused bush at the elementary school, his "now watch this drive" scene, the "fool me once...I wont be fooled again", his typical confused looks. It makes me glad I dont like Bush, I can't imagine actually having to pretend the guy isn't a fucking moron.


I can imagine the conservative media would be "angry." It's easy to be angry when a film, despite being a humorous look at an old story, pokes fun at a guy that they have so much trouble defending, considering he brings himself down.


"There is an old saying in Tennessee. It is in Texas, probably in Tennessee too...Fool me once, shame on you......it fool me...I won't get fooled again"


God that is a classic!

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JoshK, the liberal wank.


JoshK said: "I imagine it will be the standard method of attacking the entire message by concentrating on one or two small points you can argue over and over."


Then he mentioned one small point once: "fool me once...I wont be fooled again"

Then he mentioned that one small point again: "Fool me once, shame on you......it fool me...I won't get fooled again"


Damn it, Josh, quit arguing over and over about the small points! moon.gif


My opinion: I'm not going to dislike a guy just because he screws up his speeches in minor vocal flubs from time to time. Heck, have you ever had to give presentations to large audiences? I have and can aver I've messed up/stuttered/drawn blanks often enough and I'm actually pretty good at giving presentations for the most part. John Kerry is a better speaker than Bush, but Kerry too has messed up here and there. Dislike Bush for his policies, focus there....or don't try to chop him down for bad speaking while simultaneously propping someone up like Clinton, who had some fat chick suck him in the Oval Office.

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Oh and Merv, you may find what I write to be "out of line" or "[in]articulate". Ditto.


You're entitled to your opinion; my problem is with your incredibly vulgar responses to those with whom you disagree. Calling someone a fool or a moron is one thing, but this is utterly crass:


e.g. "Merv, you are a fucking Motarded Douche. Eat a fetus, windbag."

or even more offensive, "babyf*#ker".


That's just unacceptable by almost any standard. Is that how you communicate in real life? I doubt it.

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