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most tries?


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what is the most tries you have ever made on some climb before you got it?


i am nearing 80 on this stupid boulder problem madgo_ron.gif i can huck the dyno but i can't keep my feet on and i swing out and lose the layback EVERY SINGLE TIME


i need some distel power or something so i can see the beta of someone actually doing it.

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I've lost count of how many tries on fish...sheesh...i still haven't gotten the damn thing...i give up every year, for some reason try it in the fall, get close, but don't succeed, swear it off AGAIN, repeat ad nauseum...


I know its only a stupid piece of rock, but that one particular line can FUCK OFF!!! madgo_ron.gif

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what is the most tries you have ever made on some climb before you got it?


i am nearing 80 on this stupid boulder problem madgo_ron.gif i can huck the dyno but i can't keep my feet on and i swing out and lose the layback EVERY SINGLE TIME


i need some distel power or something so i can see the beta of someone actually doing it.


Dru what problem???? one of the ones we looked at?? I'll come up and try it wave.gif



I don't know about the most tries, I tried Doja probably around 50-60times before I got that, easy though because it is only 2 moves.


High Plains Drifter took me like 6 days to do the last move. I flashed it through the first 5 moves, then fell off the last move for at least 50 tries. Such a great feeling when I finally did it....

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about a year, with five or six encounters. smileysex5.gif


oh you meant rocks.

the arete on the fridge took a bunch of years...

guillotine; five tries, four times landing in the bush when the blind cam placement ripped out.


Twelve years of stare'n at Thin Fingers. Blew the flash at the second bulge.

too slippery last night and BP and I AO'd the face but no airtime in the crack. Don't forget your pink chalkbag next time...kevbone....hah! hahaha.gif

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i don't like the rail as much as the version that goes straight up to where the rail bends up


i got to my left foot on the rail and going for the rock over but my pad looked pretty dinky down below and i chickened out. with another pad or two and a spotter it should be ok...hint hint


shouldnt you be in squamish right now??

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I am good for about 3-4 tries, then I say fuck and move on to something else. I have never been into projecting any thing. I find it sort of like banging your head against the wall and occasionally getting something out of it, but most of the time just frustration.

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