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Ronald Reagan


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good LORD.. I had NO IDEA there were so many Republican climbers!! or I guess maybe some of the people with knees a'jerkin and getting bees in their bonnets were simply upset over people having "no respect".. no "class" etc, etc, blah blah freakkin blah. He-LLO... respect is NOT an entitlement; it has to be EARNED. whether it's a president or your next-door-neighbor.


c'mon people... it's not like the Reagan-haters (most of em) were making lewd, crude jokes about ol' Ronnie.. they were attacking his politix... what the hell's wrong with that?? rolleyes.gif


And even with the few crude remarks... unless you're a family member or close personal friend of the ol' Gipper (which I highly, highly doubt anyone on this forum is).. whass'tha big DEAL?!? Hell, I certainly feel for his family... I'm sure they miss him a damn lot and I'm sure he was very kind and good to all of them. But whether or not they do, and whether or not he was, that's NOT what counts here. What COUNTS is the stoopid shit he did to our and other countries. madgo_ron.gif


OK, in lieu of going into too much detail/verbosity, especially cuz most of it has been covered already .... Bottom line, as I see it: any president who presides over the biggest military buildup in history while at the same time slashing taxes is either...


A) incapable of doing simple math

B) an asshole who has NO regard for future generations (namely, the debt they'll inherit)

C) the antichrist

D) two or more of the above. moon.gifmoon.gif


And I'm sorry, I've never been impressed with that old stinky rationalization that his military buildup brought down the USSR. Feh. thumbs_down.gif The USSR would have collapsed eventually under its own inefficiency and corruption.


Coupla things I gotta give the man credit for tho: he was intelligent and he was an excellent speaker, neither of which can be said for our current prez ... and also, he played football in college. thumbs_up.gifevils3d.gif

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I'd say the Reagan/Bush tax policies have in large measure been very effective in accomplishing their goals to date.


Would anyone care to comment on the data found in this link for example? Bear in mind of course, that one percent of the U.S. means almost 300,000 people. A quintile almost 75 million




Edited by johndavidjr
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good LORD.. I had NO IDEA there were so many Republican climbers!! or I guess maybe some of the people with knees a'jerkin and getting bees in their bonnets were simply upset over people having "no respect".. no "class" etc, etc, blah blah freakkin blah. He-LLO... respect is NOT an entitlement; it has to be EARNED. whether it's a president or your next-door-neighbor.


c'mon people... it's not like the Reagan-haters (most of em) were making lewd, crude jokes about ol' Ronnie.. they were attacking his politix... what the hell's wrong with that?? rolleyes.gif


And even with the few crude remarks... unless you're a family member or close personal friend of the ol' Gipper (which I highly, highly doubt anyone on this forum is).. whass'tha big DEAL?!? Hell, I certainly feel for his family... I'm sure they miss him a damn lot and I'm sure he was very kind and good to all of them. But whether or not they do, and whether or not he was, that's NOT what counts here. What COUNTS is the stoopid shit he did to our and other countries. madgo_ron.gif


OK, in lieu of going into too much detail/verbosity, especially cuz most of it has been covered already .... Bottom line, as I see it: any president who presides over the biggest military buildup in history while at the same time slashing taxes is either...


A) incapable of doing simple math

B) an asshole who has NO regard for future generations (namely, the debt they'll inherit)

C) the antichrist

D) two or more of the above. moon.gifmoon.gif


And I'm sorry, I've never been impressed with that old stinky rationalization that his military buildup brought down the USSR. Feh. thumbs_down.gif The USSR would have collapsed eventually under its own inefficiency and corruption.


Coupla things I gotta give the man credit for tho: he was intelligent and he was an excellent speaker, neither of which can be said for our current prez ... and also, he played football in college. thumbs_up.gifevils3d.gif


"In 1983, I was confined to an eight-by-ten-foot prison cell on the border of Siberia. My Soviet jailers gave me the privilege of reading the latest copy of Pravda. Splashed across the front page was a condemnation of President Ronald Reagan for having the temerity to call the Soviet Union an "evil empire." Tapping on walls and talking through toilets, word of Reagan's "provocation" quickly spread throughout the prison. We dissidents were ecstatic. Finally, the leader of the free world had spoken the truth--a truth that burned inside the heart of each and every one of us."


Yes. Horrible man.

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