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Reserve your Christmas snafflehound puppies now. Just received word from Texplorer that his prize snafflehounds are pregnant; I guess they mated while he was in class.


Your kids will be overjoyed to receive a prize snafflehound puppy for Christmas. With a little bit of training, they won't chew on your child's appendages too much.


Call now: 1-800-SNAFFLE

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I actually don't have my "Snafflehound Handler's License" as of yet; bureaucratic red tape at the State Snafflehound Handler Interior Task Force (S.S.H.I.T.) Office. I can take phone orders, and of course will accept personal checks. Snafflehound pups will ship directly from Tex's apartment with a 9/16" tubular webbing collar in one of 6 designer colors and feeding and care instructions. Orders must be received by December 15th in order to guarantee receipt by Christmas.




you should get right on that license.I think tex could use the help. The Snafflehounds can be quite a handful. Is there a special snafflehound school here in eugene. I've heard there is one in washington, but that is a ways to travle for "training". [Wink]


Due to certain legal agreements with Texplorer, I cannot comment fully. However, he is looking into starting an extension program similar to what we have here is Washington.


Highlander... I would agree with you, Yet I think that it is important to keep in mind that wild snafflehounds are more likely to eat my children, (I would suggest wild snafflehounds for people with NO small children) [Wink] and that every doller we give to Tex, helps him fund his education. I'm all for that [big Grin] Greg.. I look forword to hearing more about that extension proram.. keep me posted [Wink]


[ 07-09-2002, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: sk ]



Originally posted by Highlander:

I am aginst snafflehound breeding. There are plenty of good snafflehounds in the wild that you can adopt for free. They need good homes too!

Recent experiments at the University of Washington and the Department of Defense has revealed problems aclimating snafflehounds from their wild natural habitat (around 7,000-8,000') to sea level locales. Most markedly this has displayed itself as a propensity for cheap mexican food, late night reruns of Sally Jesse Raphael, and Total Request Live reruns with a younger, thinner Carson Daly...Oh, wait, maybe I mixed up my snafflehound study with a sport climber study. Woops!


Dan is correct, wild snafflehounds need love too. And with some training can be taught to not trash your favorite pleather furniture.



Originally posted by Dru:


The True Original Pureblooded Bugaboo Snafflehound in his pride and glory.

Can we get some confirmation from texplorer on this photo being an actual snafflehound? It looks more like a large squirrel. My recollection of the giant rodent that stole my gaiters in the bugaboos (in the vicinity of Snafflehound Spire) was that it looked like a giant rat or a small possum, with no fur on the tail.


Well Beckey said it was a snafflehound... he should know.. that is a Columbia Ground Squirrel you are lookin at there it sounds like what got yer gaiters was a packrat... I believe there are 6 or 7 species of SNAFUhound running around out there. Just about anything up to the size of a wolverine qualifies.


This IS a snafflehound. Roger, you bring up a good point. This little guy is actually a cross-bread that has occurred since the "Dakotan Snafflehound Relocation" Program started back in the 90's to reintroduce snafflehounds that had migrated from BC down into the Dakotas. All this information and more will be shared by Texplorer on his new show this fall: "The Snafflehound Hunter" in which he goes into the wild and captures and studies snafflehounds in the wild wearing a matching khaki outfit and whispering in his distinctive West Texas accent. Check your local listings for times this fall!






The much-feared Valhalla Rock Snafflehound is known to lurk in chimneys and bite unsuspecting climbers when they are 50' runout from their last pro. May crossbreed with cougars or Australians to produce a much feared but thankfully sterile hybrid.


[ 07-09-2002, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Dru ]


Greg, I hope the program doesn't shy away from the political controversy that swirled around that relocation program... the north dakota ranchers got pretty fired up about having a new colony of aggressive, cross-bred snafflehounds stalking their cows. I remember the television footage of mobs of angry ranchers hanging little snafflehounds in effigy.


Dru, you and beckey are probably right. Must've been a packrat/hound that took my gaiters (and a significant amount of our cooking gear).


A little bit of horsecock will get you a long way in North Dakota. Good to see our tax dollars at work educating the masses about the societal benefits of our misunderstood and maligned snafflehound friends. Although, I wanted to kill that f*&!ng rodent that stole my gaiters.


Iznt there a Disney movie in which hordes of innocent snafflehounds were pushed off a cliff during a faked migration sequence?


Lets declare the snafflehound endangered, like the iceworm, so us climbers can get jobs studying the populations of them beasts.


"UMMM yes boss I feel the need to go camp in the Enchantments for a week to research the endangered snafflehounds. I will look for them on the south face of Prussik and the Mt Temple ridge which I hear is prime habitat."




We have launched an exhaustive educational campaign (mainly giving away free horsecock) in an effort to prevent/change the "shoot, shovel, and shutup" attitude in North Dakota.




All great comments here. Yes, I have a fine batch of snaffles coming up this season. Contrary to what you might have heard SH's breed and multiply quickly especially on my secret specially formulated horsecock. Despite this my inventory is always being bought up by SE asian pharmaceutical companies. It seems that the chinese deem eating Snafflehound testicles as an aphrodisiac. I have many breeds of snaffles but my specialty is the show snaffles. My favorite are the rare albino valhalla snaffles. Much less aggresive than their cousins, the Valhalla rock snaffles, these small cudly creatures are great for pets. Ancient indians believed seeing one of these in the wild meant you would have good luck.


Dru, your pic is actually a red-footed Bugaboo snaffle. This one is a juvenile. They have been reported to grow to 80lbs in captivity. In your other pic it is hard to tell exactly if it is a Valhalla snaffle. He definetly has the characteristic black ears and grey nose. Some people have claimed that this species can squirt venom from glands near its eyes.


Don't forget to watch my one hour special on The Learning Channel - Snafflehound: Rodent of Legend. In it I go in search of the elusive Mexican desert snafflehound.

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