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why thank you. By and large my pictures aren't that good, but I do think I have a few that could be sold, that being one of them.


Cracked- You need to accept that bouldering is real climbing too. Even if you don't like it because you're chunky, it is still climbing big guy.

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in all seriousness luke, bouldering has always been thought of by many elite climbers as practicing for real climbing...

i am not knocking your love, so don't get pissed. I love bouldering too... to me its just not as cool as jammin on some splitter 1000' off the deck wondering if my gear will catch me if I slip.

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yeah I understand what you're saying. but I still believe it is a legit form of climbing. Would running laps on 5.7 also not be considered practicing for climbing? Still climbing though. I love sportclimbing as well, and bouldering is just as much climbing as sport climbing is.


I don't think everybody should love bouldering by any means, but I think people need to recognize it as climbing and respect what people are doing in the ropeless realm.

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Cracked- You need to accept that bouldering is real climbing too. Even if you don't like it because you're chunky, it is still climbing big guy.

Enlighten me - where did I EVER say that bouldering isn't climbing? Oh, that's right, I didn't.


In response to your question, yes, running laps on 5.7 is climbing, albeit lame. Similarly, climbing snow covered 5.7 in a storm is also climbing, albeit not lame.


Only beef I have with bouldering is idiots who chase numbers, then belittle other peoples' accomplishments for having lower numbers. Your argument of comparing sport climbing numbers to alpine climbing numbers is a cliche by now, as well as being severely flawed, boulder-boy. wave.gif

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oh i suppose its all practicing the form of climbing....

seriously, people will never give you a break cuz they know it bothers you.

and i think its hard for people to respect bouldering because they are jaded.... the new popularity has created a rather large impact on our sport... but so has bolting.

either way go climb a rock! bigdrink.gif

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cracked...if distel is pullin v8's and v9's he's gonna kick your fanny all over the place for some "real" climbing in cracks or anywhere else for that matter...give him a summer to figure out gear placements that are solid and you won't hold a candle to him...

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What's your point? I'm not in a race, I don't give a fuck how hard he cranks because it doesn't interest me!!!! He's said it before and he'll say it again: that he's superior because he wrestles pebbles harder than me. Fuck that.


The 'real climbing' comment was in jest. rolleyes.gif

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please stop the photo onslaught or we might have to see some gollum again.


did i mention that the best climber in the world is the one who is having the most fun - NOT THE ONE WHO POSTS THE MOST SHITTY PICTURES IN A ROW!!!!!!!

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Someone's going to have to explain to me the origin of animosity between cracked and distel. Clearly it goes beyond photo-onslaughtage? I'm a relative noobie here, what did I miss?


Da bouldering is good training for sport climbing, la sport climbing is good training for trad climbing, el trad climbing is good training for alpine climbing, The alpine climbing is good training for straight-up just soloing, the straight-up just soloing is just bouldering but too easy to fall off of. You see, it's da big stankin cirle-of-life shizizzly, ok now group hug time.

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Da bouldering is good training for sport climbing, la sport climbing is good training for trad climbing, el trad climbing is good training for alpine climbing, The alpine climbing is good training for straight-up just soloing, the straight-up just soloing is just bouldering but too easy to fall off of. You see, it's da big stankin cirle-of-life shizizzly, ok now group hug time.




And why did all of cracked's excellent photos of fun-having get deleted?? I enjoyed scrolling through them multiple times on my way to the bottom of the page.

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