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Michael Moore


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Hey Josh... I started the thread with 2 that you didn't read, so what is the use? You have obviously chosen to agree with him based on similar political affiliations anyway. rolleyes.gif
Kinda hard to argue with this....


Well, I argued with it below since it wasn't true.


Cracked, as Squid said, either get involved with the issue or quit throwing jabs at everybody and anybody. You're like that annoying kid in middle school that told two kids that the other guy was talking shit about him to try to start a fight. cantfocus.gif

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Hey Josh... I started the thread with 2 that you didn't read, so what is the use? You have obviously chosen to agree with him based on similar political affiliations anyway. rolleyes.gif


I read both of the linkes you posted originally. If you'll actually go back and read the thread you'll see that. Actually both links were the same thing when I clicked on them. Perhaps you have fixed it, I will go back and check.


I do agree with him and what he stands for. You obviously think he's a liar. That's good for you. I think your president is a liar.


Now I ask you this...what is worse, a lying filmmaker or a lying president?


The difference is, there is proof that Fat Mike lies, but you've yet to offer any to show the same for GWB.

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Hey Josh... I started the thread with 2 that you didn't read, so what is the use? You have obviously chosen to agree with him based on similar political affiliations anyway. rolleyes.gif
Kinda hard to argue with this....


Well, I argued with it below since it wasn't true.


Cracked, as Squid said, either get involved with the issue or quit throwing jabs at everybody and anybody. You're like that annoying kid in middle school that told two kids that the other guy was talking shit about him to try to start a fight. cantfocus.gif

Getting involved means talking to a brick wall? I've already made up my mind that MM is a miserable excuse for a human being, along with Bush, Kerry, Saddam (no, not quite the same level of miserable excuse), and half the morons on this thread. And I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm an idiot for participating. I think the answer is yes. So now that I've reduced human psychology to "we're all stupid", I'll go do something similarly productive.


And if you hadn't noticed, I only throw jabs that I sincerely believe to be true.


I'm sure we'd get along quite well in the mountains. bigdrink.gif

Edited by cracked
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j_b: Which Iraqi policy that kills Iraqis are you purporting that I am in support of? Refresh my memory.
are you going to pretend that you are/were against this war?

i just did a search of your posts about iraq just to make sure, and indeed i cannot find a single statement expressing disagreement with the present war but i did find many statements justifying current administration policies in the middle east.

You said you just found these statements, so what were they? Why didn't you quote me? Copy-paste, my man. Copy-paste.


I do believe my viewpoint on the Israel wall is a moderate one. But that's my belief and probably what a lot of moderates would be in line with (conjecture).
since when is it a moderate positrion to support the building of a wall around communities to prevent the free movement of persons, a wall that takes away arable land and aquifers? What's a positrion? Is that a physics particle that emanates from politicians? As for the wall, I will not reanswer that question. You can look up that argument we carried on from a few months back on your own time. I stated my reasons in that thread. They haven't changed.


Where as I can be swayed to one side or the other, sadly, you cannot. You're definitely too liberal to understand persuasion other than you attempting to persuade others to yours. Ergo, right back at you: give us a break, will ya? grin.gif
sorry, but 99% of your politics are conservative and you are not showing anymore ability to be swayed than i am. as far as i am concerned, i am progressive and proud of it. in turn, i believe that placing human dignity first, be it that of americans or other, is the moderate position.
You really don't know me at all...but you think you do because you keep mislabeling me. Sure I look conservative to you because you're way liberal. You've made probably 100 times as many political posts than I have so I feel I know your stances better than you know mine. Anyone that doesn't agree with your viewpoint you will label as conservative. Question: is there anyone you know who is more liberal than you? And if so, based on what topic/issue?


By the way, I am progressive and cultured too. Probably a lot more than you think. I like progressive music smile.gif and I've traveled and seen quite a bit. My eyes have always been open to the world around me.


Albeit, I am not so progressive to embrace the non-capitalization of first letters in sentences. Gee, I guess I am conservative after all. grin.gif

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Getting involved means talking to a brick wall? I've already made up my mind that MM is a miserable excuse for a human being, along with Bush, Kerry, Saddam (no, not quite the same level of miserable excuse), and half the morons on this thread. And I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm an idiot for participating. I think the answer is yes. So now that I've reduced human psychology to "we're all stupid", I'll go do something similarly productive.



as Klenke pointed out earlier, we're all human, we will all fail to live up to our ideals, and our heros are human and will let us down.


That's no excuse for not trying, or for failing to believe.



oh I can't resist the To Kill a Mockingbird quote "It's when you know you 're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what."


makes one all weepy, no?

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The red text wasn't used merely to be emphatic. It was just the color I blindly chose from the font boxes. When you start quoting quotes ad nauseum you need to delineate text. What can I say, I'm an engineer.


If I wanted to be emphatic, I'd put it in bold, you lame ass sorry excuse for a sprayer. grin.gif

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politics are an expression of morals.

If you're religious, then your morals are an extension of your religion, and yes, we'd be talking about religion.


But, if you're a heathen crack-smoking, godless, communist, infidel jerk like myself, 'belief' is a very concrete concern that helps one decipher which experiences are 'real' and which are simply acid flashbacks.


I hope this clarifies things, you bat-winged serpent.

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You said you just found these statements, so what were they? Why didn't you quote me? Copy-paste, my man. Copy-paste.


are you going to pretend you are/were against this war? why won't you answer the question?


What's a positrion? Is that a physics particle that emanates from politicians?


are you sure you want to spend time with typos? or are you trying to make a point here?


As for the wall, I will not reanswer that question. You can look up that argument we carried on from a few months back on your own time. I stated my reasons in that thread. They haven't changed.


walling people in and stealing their land and water isn't moderate


You really don't know me at all...but you think you do because you keep mislabeling me. Sure I look conservative to you because you're way liberal.


let's cut the bs. state your progressive stances in your next post or in a p.m. if you'd rather. i won't reply unless you answer my questions.

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Okay, j_b, all stances that seek to ameliorate the current condition are termed progressive. The term progressive is synonymous with proactive (to initiate rather than react). Instance of a progressive stance of mine: I am for the education of children in Third World countries. I have leant my services to Room to Read. I could always do more for them--always more but I have to look out for my own welfare (need to watch my money more when I am unemployed). I believe that education is the key to empowering people to be more than they can be. And yet, if you look, it's always the highly educated nations that are warring with each other (at least in modern times). So, by educating these people, are we really elevating them to the stresses of world participation that they are currently nescient about?


As for the war, I was neither for it nor against it. And that is still the case. I understand (or seek to understand) both positions on the justification for war. I can see both sides' points.


Regarding the positrion typo: j_b, you need to get a sense of humor. Use a graemlin for once. thumbs_up.gif


How ya like the pink text, boys and girls? That's progressive and liberal, right?

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interesting choice, Scott.



Enjoy the taste of your own petard..

(i'll explain the reference if it eludes you)


I think Moore is too honest to be making political films.


Which is it Scott? Is Moore a lying bastard, or "too honest?"


Maybe you should pick more consistent sources. Hell, maybe you should think for yourself. Maybe you should give up and get some sleep.



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