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RockFest 2004


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Rockfest had DJ's and shelter from the intermittent rain.

Beckfest had bratwurst.

Rockfest had a cool slideshow by Christian Griffith

Beckfest had a ... well, didn't have Christian

Rockfest had awesome prizes, some of which I won

Beckfest had some cool prizes that I didn't win


Overall, it was fun, despite the rain. Thanks to Marshall and crew from Feathered Friends for putting in so much hard work. thumbs_up.gif

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Went and had a great time. Got some good instruction from one of the FF guys and met Paul from Mountain Sports(?) who belayed me and vice versa. Won a pair of new Montrail rock shoes in the raffle. Met MisterE and saw Bug. Froze in the rain during the slideshow. Even the gf had fun. Will be there next year.

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Nice to meetcha! wave.gif


Had a great time, rain aside. The slide show was quite enjoyable, tons of lycra shots yellaf.gif.

One of the nice things about Christian's slideshow was that it was only his second one, so the presentation and flow was refreshingly unrehearsed thumbs_up.gif


Got to meet bug and his larvae cool.gif


Ran into Dwayner and Pope discreetly checkin' out the Prana Babes before their sendfest at Peshastin yellaf.gif


The DJ's rockband.gif


And although there was no keg, everyone brought plenty of bevvies bigdrink.gif


Thanks, Marshall, Jeff, Christian and all of the reps who contributed gear and help!

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Thanks guys for putting this together. It was cool (and wet), and being the complete newbie I am, I learned stuff a the clinic (placing gear / building anchors). Thanks Dave and Eddie for the teaching.


I didn't win anything (cries). And picked up a stomach virus. I may have met some of you though (I was the guy with the "slight wink.gif" French accent). eternalX, were you the guy who come with his girlfriend and another friend who wanted to camp, and climbed that face on belay from Paul?


It was fun. Marshall, if you read this and this hasn't decided yet, my vote for any extra money is to send it to the Access Fund.



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Thanks guys for putting this together. It was cool (and wet), and being the complete newbie I am, I learned stuff a the clinic (placing gear / building anchors). Thanks Dave and Eddie for the teaching.


I didn't win anything (cries). And picked up a stomach virus. I may have met some of you though (I was the guy with the "slight wink.gif" French accent). eternalX, were you the guy who come with his girlfriend and another friend who wanted to camp, and climbed that face on belay from Paul?


It was fun. Marshall, if you read this and this hasn't decided yet, my vote for any extra money is to send it to the Access Fund.



I thought you were faking that accent to impress the chicks. grin.gif

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eternalX, were you the guy who come with his girlfriend and another friend who wanted to camp, and climbed that face on belay from Paul?




That was me! Nice meeting you man. You sure took off out of there early. See you next time.


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im a looser..went over and did condorphamine addiction friday evening, a few miltipitches in tumwater saturday morning and lightningh crack and a few others at peshastin on sunday afternoon, but never made it up to the party. hope you all had fun, you should all try rafting of kayaking....thats what i did while it was raining. hope to make it next year.

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