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Goin' out in style...


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This talk of free solo climbing got me thinkin' (I know) and with the luck some of you guys seem to have, you'll fall from just high enough to become a vegetable for your remiaining 364 days.


I'd stick to human/goat speed climbing records myself. We'd show that guy with his dog a thing or two.

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George Carlin's take on precognizance of death:


"You might wonder why I would even suggest that someone can affect the manner and style of his death. Well, it's because of a mysterious and little-known stage of dying, the two-minute warning. Most people are not aware of it, but it does exist. Just as in football, two minutes before you die you receive an audible warning: "Two minutes! Get your shit together!" And the reason most people don't know about it is because the only ones who hear it are dead two minutes later. They never get a chance to tell us.


But such a warning does exist, and I suggest that when it comes, you use your two minutes to entertain and go out big. If nothing else, deliver a two-minute speech. Pick a subject you feel passionate about, and just start talking. Begin low-key, but, with mounting passion, build to a rousing climax. Finally, in the last few seconds, scream at those around you, "If these words are not the truth, may God strike me dead!" He will. Then simply slump forward and fall to the floor. "

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