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Kerry-McCain Ticket


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McCain could run on a third party ticket and win this election. He has stated unequivocally that he will not seek the VP and will not run on the Dem ticket. I would vote for him even though I don't agree with several of his stances on issues. The thing that concerns me is that he will be be getting on up in years in '08 and might not run against Hillary then.


While Bush sounds like an idiot speaking, Kerry sounds like a windbag wishy washy politician. If the man would sack-up and act like a MAN instead of a mouse, he might have a chance. Being on the debate team at Yale is probably hurting him at this point. At least Dean had balls.


I am worried that the Kerry camp will throw away the gift that George W. Bullshit is giving the Dems everyday when some new ineptitude or shady business is uncovered. It's worse than Gore...if you can't win this one, jeez you really suck. The race has been handed to him on a silver platter but Kerry stumbles and mumbles trying for damage control and seeking a message that will "play". I don't think he knows how to throw off the gloves and get mean.


Look at Perot. And ugly little nasaly troll of a guy. But he was a straight shooter and he had plans. He had 30 minute infomercial kind of plans with charts and straight layman's explanations. Now take Perot and give him a good personality and better looks, a favorable war record, and a major party system behind him and Perot would have crushed all comers.


The only thing going for the dems at this point is that people are pissed off and they will go to the polls. Turnout is their only hope. I'll probably vote for the douchebag Kerry because I cannot stomach thinking of another 4 years of Dubya the Dumbass, or I may not vote at all..Bush will win Alaska easily.

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I would rather have a better palette of candidates to choose from, but I'll take Kerry over Bush.

Yes, Kerry is a weak, vacilating candidate that was chosen precisely because he was less strident/polarizing than his opponents. That problem lies with our primary system- on both sides of the liberal/conservative fence. Don't tell me there weren't better men than Bush on the Republicann's 2000 ticket (McCain, for one).

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True. Frankly, I would like to see primaries go away. Let the party membership/leadership select their best candidate for the general election. Stop wasting taxpayer money on primaries, and let the candidates save their $$$ for the big fight.


Primaries do make for an interesting vetting process though. And some of the best dirt for the general election is often shoveled up by one's own party! ala Willie Horton.

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FIVE mansions, worth a combined 35 mil! Yahts, SUV's, and a Ketchup company that has outsourced over 70% of it's workforce overseas?? WTF!


First, it's his wife's fortune. Second, I would rather see him be rich on account of sucessful company fortune rather than a fortune built on family connections, shady kickbacks and just general fuck-the-public oil money.

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Hey Squiddy: you have no skeletons to hide and you're over 35. How 'bout you run? We'll get you on the new Replablican Party ballot. You will be funded solely by the generous contributions of your fellow sprayers and armchair politicians. I'll be your champagne, I mean campaign, manager.



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Fairweather said:Why doesn't the D party support the one man who stands up for their core beliefs??? Why do they put the forth the LIE that is John Kerry? Liberals are pathetic. They'd rather try to fool the moderate majority than tell us who they really are.


I've said it before; I don't like Kucinich's beliefs, but I sincerely have to respect the guy....



I'm still waiting for an answer to my original question above. If your answer is "because Kucinich (or Nader) can't win!", then you have compromised your beliefs and you are helping to foist a deception upon your fellow Americans.


Am I to conclude the following?


Bush voters = core beliefs

Kerry voters = compromised beliefs

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First, it's his wife's fortune. Second, I would rather see him be rich on account of sucessful company fortune rather than a fortune built on family connections.......


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That's a keeper, Josh.


Fairweather, the king of partial quotes.


Your boy's business dealings are fucking corrupt.

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