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Sounds like an affirmation that Al Quieda is getting desperate and grasping at straws. Kinda like the little punk who lands the first sucker punch and then wants to sue for peace when he discovers the recipient of his attack outweighs him by a large margin.


I would guess, based on this pathetic plea, that 'we're getting warmer'. (In the mountains of western Pakistan.)

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I think, too, that I was called cynical when, not long after 911, I said I believed the conspiracy theories that they'd try to pin Twin Towers on Saddam, or at least connect the dots in a way that would allow them to invade Iraq.


You may think I'm an ugly cynnic, but lets see what happens.

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I think, too, that I was called cynical when, not long after 911, I said I believed the conspiracy theories that they'd try to pin Twin Towers on Saddam, or at least connect the dots in a way that would allow them to invade Iraq.


You, sir, would greatly enjoy the Dr. Flash Amazing "Book of the Month" for April, 2004. It's called "The Sorrows of Empire", and it's by Chalmers Johnson. Here.

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