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car pool lane question.


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I never said I do the right thing, but I don't flagrantly do shit that is baisically putting myself ahead of others. 90% of these people are waiting baisically in line and you are 'cutting'. When you say it like that it kinda changes it a bit eh? Why should everyone else have to wait in line and you just fly by huh? Is it any different than driving on the shoulder in gridlock?



edit: oh and thanks for the assisted snaf.gif

Edited by scott_harpell
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You never put yourself first in front of others? Well Ghandi I am very impressed with your ethics. I hope you are not on the clock while your doing all this bantering back and forth, cause it wouldn't be fair that co-workers are working while you are slacking, but you know that right? Sorry I can't always live an ethical life all the time. Like I said before I am not perfect, but I try and sometimes I fail in being good, perfect, law abiding, whatever.


Yes I let my frustration get the best of me that day and I am sure that it will happen again. Yes, I cut in line that day and yes it is like driving on the shoulder. And all those people that are waiting in line have the same choice I have, so, that is their own decision whether they wait or not.


Your welcome for your assisted PT.

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I hope you are not on the clock while your doing all this bantering back and forth, cause it wouldn't be fair that co-workers are working while you are slacking, but you know that right? Sorry I can't always live an ethical life all the time. Like I said before I am not perfect, but I try and sometimes I fail in being good, perfect, law abiding, whatever.


gimme a break dude rolleyes.gif


here's to karma bigdrink.gif

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I hope you are not on the clock while your doing all this bantering back and forth, cause it wouldn't be fair that co-workers are working while you are slacking, but you know that right? Sorry I can't always live an ethical life all the time. Like I said before I am not perfect, but I try and sometimes I fail in being good, perfect, law abiding, whatever.


gimme a break dude rolleyes.gif


here's to karma bigdrink.gif


Nope... in class... Geek_em8.gif

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The facts:

Man you are so funny. Who said that I say "fuck you" to 30,000 people every day, 2x's a day. Hmm, I don't recall ever saying that. Ocassionally, (which is a total of 7x's so far only in the morning not the evening, dumbass) I have gotten into the HOV lane. Do all those people recognize that I am by myself, I think not, and those that do are they a sensitive pansy ass like you and take it as a personal "fuck you", I should hope not? Do I actually pass 30,000 people in one swoop, I think not, my high estimate is around 1408 people (a person per car per 15 feet for 2 miles in two lanes), lets just make it 1,500 for the sake of arguement, btw that is only 2.5% of 60,000?


The catbirdseat analysis:

So with the facts up above I would say estimating high that 50% notice I am a single driver that is 750 people. I would guess that out of that 750 people maybe 10% get pissed so that is 75 people. On average I would say it is only a mile that I travel in the HOV lane so that is 37.5 poeple pissed. And my guess is that 10% of the 37.5 people get so pissed that they actually think I am saying "fuck you", so that is 3.75 people. And obviously those 3.75 people that actually think I am saying "fuck you" are not so offended that they are calling and being a HOV hero, because I have yet to get a ticket. BTW if you are one of the total 26.25 people that I have said "fuck you" too, I am sorry, I wasn't really thinking I was saying that, but according to Scott I was. Please don't take offense if I happen to do it again sometime, just sometimes I get impatient and frustrated in traffic, I mean to cause you personal harm or insult.




The fine print:

The above is not in any way trying to justify my actions or the actions of other who may flagrantly violate the law. I freely admit I am wrong when I do that and that it is not right of me to do that. The catbirdseat analysis is in no way trying to insult catbirdseat, but is trying emmulate catbirdseat approach to arguement. The point of the above statements, is to show how much of a dumbass Scott really is plain and simple.


Scott the_finger.gifboxing_smiley.gifthe_finger.gifboxing_smiley.gifthe_finger.gif

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What a fucking looser! You actually did the math on it... based on made up figures... holy shit... get thee to a pubery! You ARE saying fuck you by riding the HOV alone. You said you have done it 7 times because you were afraid of the consequences... this lead us to believe that you would do it more often it the consequences were less. You're a fucking prick plain and simple... get a motercycle... i dare ya! My car door will be waiting... the_finger.gif Oh and my teacher said you were a jerk... yellaf.gif

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What a fucking looser! You actually did the math on it... based on made up figures... holy shit... get thee to a pubery! You ARE saying fuck you by riding the HOV alone. You said you have done it 7 times because you were afraid of the consequences... this lead us to believe that you would do it more often it the consequences were less. You're a fucking prick plain and simple... get a motercycle... i dare ya! My car door will be waiting... the_finger.gif Oh and my teacher said you were a jerk... yellaf.gif


My point proven folks, dumbass has no sense of humor and doesn't know how to spell, "motercycle". Good thing he is still in school. yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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It was a fucking joke... I never did it... you are clueless... yellaf.gif I think you must have been the only one that didn't get that... that would be the longest troll in cc.com history... what was that 6 months ago? yellaf.gif

pussy, i actually did it, you just said you did it the_finger.gif

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Are you one of those people who, when the highway backs up in advance of a merge, waits in line behind a half mile of cars and gets made when others zoom on past you in the lane that is wide open up to the merge point? Do you try not to let them in when you are at that merge point? These people who insist on an orderly merge and expect everybody else to do the same are merely moving the merge point back a half mile, doing nobody a favor in my opinion.

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No, I don't but... we are talking about HOV violations. I don't care if I let someone go in front of me and it takes me .007 seconds longer to get to my destination. I just think hommes is being a dick.


That's the type of shit I absolutely hate. The pricks who, even though they know they are only going to be inconvenienced by ".007 seconds" think it is their duty to stop those terrible lawbreakers for no other reason than, "he's breaking a law that I don't have the balls to".


Fuck off traffic nazi Scott the_finger.gifhitler.gif



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chucK, that is true that it only hurts people infinitesimally, and it's not the same as something that directly negatively affects another person. it is still unfair though. it is like scamming the insurrance companies or something - if you do that, my premium will only rise an insignificant amount, and so it doesn't really affect me. but that doesn't make it ok. it affords priviledges to those who decide they can get away with it. if everyone started doing it, then everyone starts getting affected negatively. it's only NOT affecting people because the number of people who do it is small. but if everyone behaved like you, then the whole system falls apart.

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OK good point. Then let's bring it to infractions where noone is inconvenienced one iota. For example, carefully driving through a red light at 4 am after verifying that noone is around? Or perhaps driving in the carpool lane when noone is in the carpool lane and traffic is moving smoothly in the SOV lanes. I posit noone is hurt or potentially hurt by these actions. Though there are many traffic nazi's who would get all bent out of shape about these things.


Are you one of them?

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Okay then, I suppose by that logic it is okay to steal merchandise from a department store. No one person is effected by your larceny, so why not? Drop in the bucket. If it is just you stealing, then it must be okay. rolleyes.gif


Actually quite different, stealing effects others by increasing the operational cost of a business, which can affect the cost of product to those who are purchasing from that business. I don't see your point Klenke. The affect that I have if I happen to be in the carpool lane is freeing up traffic in the regular lanes (minutely) and adding money to the state revenue if and when I get caught, and totally being a dick in the eyes of people like Scott (but they have control over the way they feel, well maybe not Scott at least it does not seem that way). Well I gotta go ride my bike home. It's been real, it's been fun, and it's been real fun. grin.gif

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