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Shut up before I come over there and kick your nuts so hard they dislodge your tonsils into where your eyeballs used to be right before I grabbed your mother's dildo out of your father's ass and used it to poke your brain out through the back of your gimp cranium, nancyboy.

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12250 ft. Well we're talking 60% O2 pressure up there if this is right (I have a feeling it is underestimating a little):




Throw in the exertion of climbing 6700 ft in a day and you had better have eaten your wheaties.


I have to admit it felt a lot better the second time around with a camp at 8000, instead of doing the one-day thing coming from near sea level. But then how are you going to talk smack about that?

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Yeah it sounds a little sad but lay off guys. He's out there doing stuff, and AMS can kick in on anyone, at any time above 9k or so, no matter how fit or experienced you are. I have never had issues myself, but that's not to say I won't in the future. Even though he's not climbing hard stuff and his reports are pretty damn melodramatic at times it inspires me to get out there more often reading his stuff sometimes.

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I breathed a sigh of relief as I stumbled into basecamp, a staggering 1000ft above msl. I almost retched at the condition of the area after years of expeditions, cow crap everywhere and chickens on the loose. I crawled into my 8000m bag inside the primitive barn-like shelter, praying I would not fall victim to mighty Klickitat's fury.

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