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I ducked into Duck Boys hoping to meet a Leavenwoth local I'd run into while climbing yesterday. He never showed, or maybe I came by too late. Anyway, there I was, "pubing" by myself. I had a pint of their IPA, but not before the barkeep teased me with a sample of Spring Bok. I ordered the Reuben, then a pint of that Bok, and just as began to tune in to baseball talk on the tube, I overheard a man (I assumed to be the owner) explaining to the barkeep that he wanted to hear jazz playing on the stereo.


Barkeep: But we really don't get jazz on this thing. We get something called smooth jazz. Have you ordered any catsup? (Adjusts the stereo).


Owner: (German accent) Let's hear it. Yes. OK, now crank that up. (Sits back in his chair). Excellent. Now I could really relax to that. I think this is what we want. I think this is what our customers want. There's a case of catsup in back, up on the shelf there.


Barkeep: (walking to the kitchen) I disagree. That is what our customers DON'T want to hear. (Returns from kitchen). Couldn't find it, boss.


Pope: (thinking) God, this music is putting me to sleep. And what the Hell is smooth jazz? I've been hearing this crap from a dentist's chair for more than 30 years.


Owner: (after some time) Ummm, this smooth jazz...maybe there is something else.


Barkeep: You mean acid jazz?


Pope: (thinking) Now just what the Hell is acid jazz?


Owner: I think we need jazz that has something more, more of that... that...(makes a clicking noise with his tongue and cheek, does a little shadow boxing, then winks at the barkeep).


Barkeep: This is it, the only jazz we can get through the cable.


Owner: Oh. Let me show you that catsup.


The owner and barkeep hurried off to the supply room. Pope stumbled out into the cold, thinking, "Jeesh this town is dead on a Tuesday night. I'll bet they're having a blast over at Club Pub." Three snowy hours later, Pope pulled into his driveway. It was Wednesday morning.


[ 04-17-2002, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: pope ]

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smooth jazz is like smooth organs (kidneys, spleen etc.) - kinda yucky unless they are yours. it is muzak played with jazz instruments for wealthy yuppies.


acid jazz is a dumb phrase for 90s groove jazz, cause "cool jazz" got used back in the 40s.


"HOW ABOUT PLAYING SOME GOOD MUSIC INSTEAD OF THIS SHIT" is an effective way to get a barkeep to change the station away from smooth jazz.


Cant help with pubing. Trask do you shave yours or what?

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pope noted that the Leavenworth Duck Boys pub owner described cool jazz as follows: "...made a clicking noise with his tongue and cheek, does a little shadow boxing, then winks at the barkeep."


Dude! That's exactly how I ORDER a beer!


In fact, I'm having one for brekee right now!

[big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

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