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Planned upgrade


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I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on our plan to do a small upgrade to the message board possibly this weekend, so the board might be down for a while. One of the new features of this version is the abiltity to post a poll.

In addition to the message board upgrade we are working on implementing a photo gallery software package. This software will allow registered users to upload their pictures to their own photo gallery hosted on our server and allow you to put pictures in posts. I know a lot of people have been asking for this but we didn't have the software until now. Additionally we were concerned with the amount of disk space and bandwidth use offering this feature but our hosting company just gave us a huge upgrade to our account so it shouldn't be a problem. Anyways enough dork talk. [big Drink]

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Originally posted by chucK:
My front page and "last 40 posts" page aren't showing me the latest posts today (like it ignores the pub club thread). Is this happening to anyone else or is it screwiness isolated to my box?

Yeah, I notice it, too. I just figured it was something going on while they were working on the servers...

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