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trask said:

after the fact; way to go Dustin rolleyes.gif


thought that was obvious, hence the rolleyes.gif


I meant he should have thought about getting the flu shot when he realized he had no sick leave.


As a Navy Corpsman, it is my job to care for the sick, the lame, and the lazy...EVEN WHEN I AM SICK, those whiney bastards....

If your throat is soar and you have a stuffed nose, then all you have is congestion with a postnasal drip irritating your tonsils and will eventually lead to a cough either with or without sputum....Take sudafed and stop the sinus problem, tylenol for head ache/fever....everything else will subside in time. If it does not you may have what is called Rhino Virus, which means LITTLE more than a Upper Respritory infection. Take an expectorant if you are not coughing up phlem IE Robotussin... Remember Phlem is good as long as it gets out. But it all starts with the Sudafed...well known, but rarley employed to its full potential.

OOH RAH.....




Watch out though...after a couple days Sudafed causes insomnia. Best thing to do for a simple cold/flu is to drink lots of fluids, and some chicken soup, take some zinc (or Zicam), and get rest.


Let the nose run, let your eyes puff up so you look like crap. Maybe the boss will take pity on you and send you home.

catbirdseat said:

How do you get through the day at work (and still function)?


Still function? Fuck that; you've got the perfect, inarguable justification for not functioning. Just lie down under your desk and slowly construct a wall of spent Kleenex between your cubicle and the rest of the office. If anyone comes by and asks what you're doing, just tell them you're looking for your stapler or something.

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