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Northern Lights?


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fucking a. this article makes it look like it's the end of the fucking universe! that's what's wrong with this country. it's the culture of fear created by media. a little sun fart, a bit of diruption here and there and they trying to convince us it's the fucking end of the world and if we don't buy the crap that is advertised in there we might not live another day to do it. what a bunch of throat callus sloafing clown punching jizz gurglers and sulty breath maggots!

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Hmmm, I was thinking about the radiation that one must be getting if one were to be high on a mountain somewhere during this magnetic storm...then I realized that , hey, I was on a Tokyo-NY flight on Mar 14, 1989, and saw that huge aurora over Fairbanks...supposedly the biggest in 50 years. (As amazing as the aurora was the goose-like sound of hundreds of Japanese passengers doing their version of "ooooh and ahhhh" as they woke up and looked out the window.) No wonder my head always feels funny... cantfocus.gif

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catbirdseat said:

I live in Seattle and I checked at 9, and 11 pm, 2 am and 5:30 am and saw nothing.


I was driving back to Yakivegas last night from B-vue and saw nothing to the north between the hours of 5:30 to 7:30 pm. I think we got gyped on this one.

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