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world press 'freedom' ranking


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To compile this ranking, Reporters Without Borders designed a questionnaire with 53 criteria for assessing the state of press freedom in each country. It includes every kind of violation directly affecting journalists (such as murders, imprisonment, physical attacks and threats) and news media (censorship, confiscation of issues, searches and harassment). It registers the degree of impunity enjoyed by those responsible for these press freedom violations. It takes account of the legal and judicial situation affecting the news media (such as the penalties for press offences, the existence of a state monopoly in certain areas and the existence of a regulatory body) and the behaviour of the authorities towards the state-owned news media and international press. It also takes account of the main obstacles to the free flow of information on the Internet. Reporters Without Borders has taken account not only of abuses attributable to the state, but also those by armed militia, clandestine organisations or pressure groups that can pose a real threat to press freedom.




Finally, in no case should this ranking be viewed as an indication of the quality of the press in the countries concerned. Reporters Without Borders defends press freedom, without taking a position on the quality of the editorial content of the news media. No account was taken of any breaches of professional ethics or codes of conduct.


i wish there was a way to account for autocensorship, i.e. major stories that don't make the major papers, or if they do it's on the last page.


first thing you've ever posted that was mildly interesting


if i ever felt the need for your approval, it'd be the end of my useful life.


interestingly, i haven't posted in nearly a week, and i posted 3 times this p.m. every single time, you were the next poster .... can you say 'mindfucked'


thread #1


thread #2


and this one smirk.gif

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Former USSR still lags behind The situation remains worrying in Russia (148th), Ukraine (132nd) and Belarus (151st). A truly independent press exists in Russia, but Russia's poor ranking is justified by the censorship of anything to do with the war in Chechnya, several murders and the recent abduction of the Agence France-Presse correspondent in Ingushetia. Russia continues to be one of the world's deadliest countries for journalists.


latvia- 11

estonia- 12

lithuania- 17 confused.gif

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j_b said:

i don't need to work out the probability to know that your posting immediately after me (twice in an antagonistic fashion) has little to do with chance.

Listen you piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned you're stalking me. I'm not going to report you because I'm not a ratfink bitch like you. You want to put on the gloves anytime, just let me know. I really think you have a crush on me or something...what a sick fuck you are.

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MisterE said:

That's pretty interesting. Hey, Drul, you should be proud - Canada rates 10th... wave.gif


even with the asper family owning 75% of the country's media hellno3d.gif i guess iits better average than your media though cause we have cbc and the toronto globe n mail tongue.gif

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