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fern said:



respectfully, I don't think you know anything about my

success at finding partners. I think it's kinda random

to bring me up as an example here.


I hope maryk finds some partners, I don't think it matters

whether or not she leads. Plenty of people around here seem

to get hooked up with ropeguns.

I agree with both of you, and believe me I've heard the whole "learn to lead" thing several times. Of course I want to learn to lead. I've been climbing for a mere 5 months, so it's not like I've been dragging my feet on leading - I think now is about the right time. BUT, one can't "learn to lead" without partners or help or guidance (or gear!, which I don't have b/c I'm B.R.O.K.E.). Still, I don't see why not leading is such a problem. I can't climb crazy hard stuff, but I can climb moderate stuff. I have been out with a handful of friendly folks, but I'm just still getting to know folks in the climbing community and don't have any regular friends or partners that automatically make plans with me, so I have to keep asking around. I'm not as frustrated as I may sound, just antsy to get on the rock. Maybe I'll just have to solo..... crazy.gif

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maryk said:

fern said:



respectfully, I don't think you know anything about my

success at finding partners. I think it's kinda random

to bring me up as an example here.


I hope maryk finds some partners, I don't think it matters

whether or not she leads. Plenty of people around here seem

to get hooked up with ropeguns.

I agree with both of you, and believe me I've heard the whole "learn to lead" thing several times. Of course I want to learn to lead. I've been climbing for a mere 5 months, so it's not like I've been dragging my feet on leading - I think now is about the right time. BUT, one can't "learn to lead" without partners or help or guidance (or gear!, which I don't have b/c I'm B.R.O.K.E.). Still, I don't see why not leading is such a problem. I can't climb crazy hard stuff, but I can climb moderate stuff. I have been out with a handful of friendly folks, but I'm just still getting to know folks in the climbing community and don't have any regular friends or partners that automatically make plans with me, so I have to keep asking around. I'm not as frustrated as I may sound, just antsy to get on the rock. Maybe I'll just have to solo..... crazy.gif

I have a cupple of sugestions. Get a solo device, if you can use one, and boulder. you don't need a partner, and it keeps your chops up smile.gif Personaly I HATE to solo, and I don't realy like to boulder either, but I do both if I have to get out and no one can go with me. My regulare climbing partner goes out of town on buisness alot, but she is kind enough to lend me her gear if she isn't going to be arround.
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fern said:



respectfully, I don't think you know anything about my

success at finding partners. I think it's kinda random

to bring me up as an example here.


I hope maryk finds some partners, I don't think it matters

whether or not she leads. Plenty of people around here seem

to get hooked up with ropeguns.


You played Fraiser's wife on the show "Cheers," didn't you? When did you get into climbing? moon.gifwave.gifwazzup.gif

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jesus, that scared me. while the screen was opening on my ENIAc (took a litle while) I was thinking, "A comet the size of Marlon Brando is going to impact the earth in 2009 and is going to end life on this planet as we know it by 2020."


I'm glad that was a big sigh of relief (don't scare us, peter, man...) once i saw the first post.


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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

fern said:



respectfully, I don't think you know anything about my

success at finding partners. I think it's kinda random

to bring me up as an example here.


I hope maryk finds some partners, I don't think it matters

whether or not she leads. Plenty of people around here seem

to get hooked up with ropeguns.

Sorry. I was just pointing out that when you lead, I believe it is easier to find people to climb with. I hope she does too. It was a comment to your offer to ropegun for cheese sandwiches last week wink.gif



i thought you were saying you were being harsh to people like fern always is!!!!! yellaf.gif

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