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I don't get it?


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trask said:



Why is it that radicals always seem to think that the wonderfulness of their cause justifies anything that they do in the furtherance of it?


Domestic terrorists deserve the same scrutiny as foreign ones.


- trask


Trask, it's human nature for people to think that the wonderfulness of their cause justifies anything that they do in the furtherance of it. Examples abound; just open a newspaper.

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I think a pretty good distinction can be made between a world not subject to a rule of law and a nation that is. There is no enforceable law globally, nor an executive capable of enforcing it. In such a situation, acting as if there are constraints on your nation's behavior will endanger your citizenry through the unconstrained actions of other nations. Consequently, we are left with a situation where we do what we must in global politics. Criminal behavior is a lot different when the subject is the relationships nation-states have with each other.


However, that same situation is not applicable to events within a given nation, where there is an effective executive and a set of laws to govern behavior. Therefore, equating the two situations is not logical.


If you don't believe me, try imposing custom duties on your neighbor.


- trask

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Y'know what's bullshit? Labeling this "terrorism". These people aren't killing anyone, for God's sake. Call it grand fucking arson or whatever, which it obviously already is, and which already probably carries a plenty stiff sentence. Shit; the goons at Enron who pillaged thousands of people's retirement funds and ruined as many lives are going to get off a lot easier than the people who are responsible for burning down a subdivision, which maybe cost a few developers a drop in their financial bucket. Ludicrously disproportionate punishments. When are we gonna start hearing about corporate terrorism, e.g. PGE, Enron, Global Crossing, etc?

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Flash, I beg to differ:


ter·ror·ism (tĕr'ə-rĭz'əm)



The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


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trask said:

Flash, I beg to differ:


ter·ror·ism (tĕr'ə-rĭz'əm)



The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


Be damned. There you have it. Okay, terrorism it is, by definition.

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