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PLC said:

Each and everyone of the these people are making way more than they are worth


Actually, it is the floor staff which is making more than they are worth, since their salary is artificially inflated by the minimum wage. The "corporate types" are paid what they are worth. If REI systematically overpaid HQ staff, they would be unable to compete with other retailers.


Yah, lets get rid of the minimum wage. Clearly we need more incentives for companies to underpay their workers and boost CEO comps. rolleyes.gif The "corporate types" are not paid what they are worth, they are vastly overpaid. The overpaid (and vastly overvalued) CEO is a product of the 90s and 2000s economy. The amount these guys get is more vastly out of whack with what they are worth compared to any other time in history.


You "no minimum wage" idiots crack me up. Just because you don't think you'd be exploited without one doesn't mean it doesn't have value.

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Rodchester said:

Doesn't REI always, or usually, land in the top-whatever places to work as rated by employees? How can that be if they are the evil empire beating thier employees and taking food from their tables while the darth vader music plays? blush.gifconfused.gif

All shit stinks, but REI's is less stinky. It's all relative.

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marylou said:

Howitt_da_liar said:

You talk about jobs. The "new" floor worker makes a little over min. wage, the department managers 20K to 30k the assistant store managers make more...but here there is a big discrepancy as some were hired a few years back and they make in the 60s while some of the newer ones doing the same job make about the same as a department manager. As expected the money goes up as the job title gets more impressive. What amazes me is that no one, absolutely no one asks why there is a need for such an elabotate facility in Kent for the "upper" managers of the company. There are people there making decisions that NEVER venture into the out doors except to BBQ, sail their 100k or more boats, golf, vacation world over etc. Very nice don't ya think.

I don't know if they still have this perk or not but this center for the "upper" crust used to have their own staff of chefs to cook for them. Each and everyone of the these people are making way more than they are worth.

Remember: the floor staff makes nothing its the people in Kent and the very top of the crop at the stores that make the bucks.



I hate to side with the Evil Empire here, but I think this characterization of the conditions at HQ vastly exaggerates the truth. Just because the retail employees are underpaid does NOT mean all of the employees at HQ are flying around in Lear Jets. For one thing, they have the exact same shitty HMO medical insurance that I do. tongue.gif


Nay nay they have PPO. Get the facts straight. hahaha.gif

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oh boo hoo. You're a RETAIL CLERK. You aren't worth more then the $ they pay you because you are replaceable. There are plenty of people out there that can do your job. It's like that in almost every industry. Now why would REI pay slightly more for their clerks then anyone else? Well, they might think that paying a little more to keep a few experienced clerks around is good for selling gear. Some people actually can spot the ones who know what they are talking about versus the ones who can only read the labels. However, in a store like REI, you only need a few 'rockstars'. Just like in the world I work in, you only need a few 'rockstar' programmers, the rest are becoming replaceable, which is why you're seeing dev salaries stabalize and in a lot of cases, come down. Unionizing does not help the situation. It is your job as a person seeking more money to make yourself more valuable. It's not the company's job.


Having said tha, I just made an order from MEC




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