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I'll be there tonight for sure. my name's Ron if anybody wants to join me. I'll be there between 6 and 7 and I'll stick around for an hour or so. Hope to see at least one of you there.

Sorry you god stood up Anna. I'll be there tonight.

Actually, I'm almost always there on Thursday nights, on account of I'm a loser. evils3d.gifmadgo_ron.gifblush.gif


Fejas said:

how late ya guys think ya'll be there tonight?


but I'll meet BH down there tomarrow if yer game....


if ya see a short fat fucker with a big hairy pussy attached to his chin you'll know its me.... yellaf.gif


bunglehead said:

Nice Fejas. Classy! cantfocus.gif

I actually can't make it tonight, but I'll be there tomorrow; Max's that is. Look for a big gimp with glasses and a face that looks like a porkchop with features.

It'll be interesting to meet youz guyz and gal? Anna?

Hopefully Ryland can make it. If I'm correct he did Denali and summited earlier this year. Hardcore. I get winded taking a dump. Seriously, I hope we all meet and have fun. I'll be there Thrusday night around 6-7


ryland_moore said:

Wait, I thought we were talking tonight! I can't do tomorrow as I have some late meetings. Anyone going out tonight? Jason and I are still tentatively planning on grabbing a beer after climbing. ANyone? Anyone? Beuler? Beuler?



that was yesterday talkin bout today... sorry ya sat there all by your self frown.gif... I wasn't done with my shit untill 1000pm, so I though ya wouldn't be down anymore.


Sounds like we need a little more of an advance on planning this gig...


BH, I gotta do this b-day thing for an hour at 5:30, but myself and my bro will be there shortly after to have some beers with ya....



that was yesterday talkin bout today... sorry ya sat there all by your self frown.gif... I wasn't done with my shit untill 1000pm, so I though ya wouldn't be down anymore.


Sounds like we need a little more of an advance on planning this gig...


BH, I gotta do this b-day thing for an hour at 5:30, but myself and my bro will be there shortly after to have some beers with ya....




Yes, tonight MR BH will be there.


YES, more advance planning. Tonight bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif



I feel about as cool as anna... I came I drank I played pool I left.... yeah, so ahhh.... lets preplan or somtin, cause this day before doesn't give anyone really the chance to get there at the same time... I was late showed at bout 745-8pm...


I was there. Fejas, were you with 2 other dudes? I think I saw you if that was you. Wearing a whistler-blackcomb hat? Did you play pool with some ugly old fat guy? Man I hate that guy. Next time I'll know..


Sure anuff... that fucker kept callin me kid madgo_ron.gif, I hate it when people need to down grade me because i'm younger then them... both my games where sorta close and he skoft, felt like knockin him out, but was in too good of a mood... I picked up some hoodlems before I came, they wanted to meet me for beers, so I brought them along...


"Just remember, no matter how hot she is, she is a pain in the ass to somebody."

that is some classic bathroom graphity...


I saw that. He barely won. I can't tell you how many times he's come close to getting dragged out of the bar and beaten. Well we'll hook up again soon. Maybe we could drive out to Sweet Home and do some bouldering.

I sent you a pm about it. I know who you are now and I'll introduce myself next time. rockband.gif

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