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What to do with a teenager?


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I've got a nihilistic almost-15-year-old on my hands and I'm wondering what to do with him for the summer. I got him a job which he hates and wants to quit (after the third day!). He hates everything!confused.gif


Advice? Suggestions? Please share your experience of your 15th summer or your experiences with a cantankerous teenager. Anyone got a farm I can ship him to for the summer?

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Once he discovers girls, he'll discover the value of a job. The first job I had was in a sandwich shop. I absolutely hated it. I wanted to be outdoors, so I quit after only two weeks and took a job cutting brush for more money. It was much harder work, but it was outside and I was much happier.

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The lure of girls does not work for all boys. There are girls calling the house all the time for my 17 year old son. Often he can not go on dates because his funds are depleted, yet he only persues work when it's convenient or if work doesn't interfere with his social schedule. Go figure???



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does your son ski or board? since you live in vancouver you are close to a wonderful mecca for summertime fun: Jibbing at Timberline. He can catch some rays, work on the little boarder babes, and improve his technique, and like Erik does so well, he can JIB!


I have some friends that run camps down that way, I think you should check it out. Who knows, maybe he is the next moesely or ross powers, LOL!!!!

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the perils of impending responsibility fuckin sucks. tell yer spawn that the transition from adolesence to adulthood is a tough row to hoe. that you'll help him out, but its his life to go through with a smile or a bummer tude. Or just introduce him to huffing.

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Fence_Sitter said:

trask said:

Military School - I'm serious. They'll straighten his ass Right out.


i second that! or make him do some alpine... i'll take him out! evils3d.gif


how is sitting in the car ans wondering what the weather is going to do and then turning round at the 1st strong wingust gonna help him????



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erik said:

Fence_Sitter said:

trask said:

Military School - I'm serious. They'll straighten his ass Right out.


i second that! or make him do some alpine... i'll take him out! evils3d.gif


how is sitting in the car ans wondering what the weather is going to do and then turning round at the 1st strong wingust gonna help him????



am i missing something ewik? confused.gif

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Military skool sux.

If he's anything like I was at 14... Well I wouldn't want to frighten you...

I think the best deal for a rebellious teen is to get him into the mountains. NOLS, Nantahala, etc. worked for me and got me off the crack. Thanks mom and dad.

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ChrisT said:

Did your parents "force" you to go? I'm sure you didn't go willingly.

Chris, ya gotta grab the bull by the horns and kick it in the nuts sometimes. When my 13 yr. old son gives me attitude I get in his fucking face and put the fear of God in him. He knows I mean business and he does what he's told. Now on the bright side, he's a cool kid and easily as well adjusted as myself.

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I'll tell you pilgrims something. My two kids totally doat on me and even their friends think I'm a cool swingin' dude. I don't put up with any shit from the little rascals, but will bullshit around with 'em and take 'em go-cart racing, climbing, water skiing, and all the fun shizmo, and even help with their homework. What's so bad about that?

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i am convinced there is nothing worse than a 15yr old girl.


the only thing that saved me is that my parents had leverage. i had a hobby that they could've stopped me from participating in. Anytime i really went over the edge they had that threat.


The other deal in my house was simple. As long as my grades were decent i could pretty much do whatever i wanted.

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Fence_Sitter said:

15 year old girls are the spawn of satan! the_finger.gif


There is no good argument against this! hellno3d.gif That is one age i would NEVER be again if given the option



My parents always insisted that i have some after school activity. They didn't care what it was. This sorta kept me from wallowing too much in being 15.

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ChrisT said:

Nothing wrong with that. I know you're a cool Dad trask. smile.gif

But look at it from a mother's perspective. This is my baby boy grown up into a hairy beast! hellno3d.gif

And when he's miserable...I'm miserable!


Chris, My kid got a bit confused when his mom and I divorced. We took him to a psychologist for a year (he loved it by the way) and she was able to smooth out his concerns and such. I'm a true believer in using a Shrink now and then, and I think it's good for all of us. After all, who among us (other than Cavey) really has their shit together?

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