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Goddamn Indian commercial crabbers again


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The fuckers cleaned out Port Susan Bay all last winter. They've been gone a couple months now and finally the season opened for us Whites. Now the cocksuckers are back out there cleaning up on the crab and stealing our pots. I'm fucking really pissed. My .308 will JUST reach. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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trask said:

The fuckers cleaned out Port Susan Bay all last winter. They've been gone a couple months now and finally the season opened for us Whites. Now the cocksuckers are back out there cleaning up on the crab and stealing our pots. I'm fucking really pissed. My .308 will JUST reach. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


Trask, you're cruising for a Custering, you pasty fuck. Better start washing your greasy hair so we don't get our hands dirty when we come to scalp your cracker ass!



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Dru said:

vietnamese drunken crab special?


Me and a couple drunken honyaks ran the Vietnamese off this winter. We ran circles around their boats and fucked with their crab pots. They got wise and shortened the bouy lines to keep the pots bouys under water, but we took GPS fixes on the bouys and cut the fuckers at night. They finally gave up and left for good. We dump straw bales off the Hat Slough Bridge on the Stilly River.....it totally fucks up the Indian nets, and then Jimbo burned up their fiberglass skiff that they left on the river bank. All in all, some good clean fun. bigdrink.gif


trask wave.gif

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trask said:

Dru said:

vietnamese drunken crab special?


Me and a couple drunken honyaks ran the Vietnamese off this winter. We ran circles around their boats and fucked with their crab pots. They got wise and shortened the bouy lines to keep the pots bouys under water, but we took GPS fixes on the bouys and cut the fuckers at night. They finally gave up and left for good. We dump straw bales off the Hat Slough Bridge on the Stilly River.....it totally fucks up the Indian nets, and then Jimbo burned up their fiberglass skiff that they left on the river bank. All in all, some good clean fun. bigdrink.gif


trask wave.gif

pizdec!!! yelrotflmao.gif
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Your acutaly not the first one that I,ve heard of that is pissed off on the topic of natives, and their nets, commicial abuse in washington.... And its only in washington where i here the complaint... could it be that there are just as many u.s. citizens (anyone other than the indigous people) that go out and strip the water ways of their glorious fruits... personaly I think its more of a population issue than one group that damn well has the right to the water ways before you... Power to the people and shit... moon.gif

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Fejas said:

Your acutaly not the first one that I,ve heard of that is pissed off on the topic of natives, and their nets, commicial abuse in washington.... And its only in washington where i here the complaint... could it be that there are just as many u.s. citizens (anyone other than the indigous people) that go out and strip the water ways of their glorious fruits... personaly I think its more of a population issue than one group that damn well has the right to the water ways before you... Power to the people and shit... moon.gif


hmm...that would be all well and good if they had first pick (well in my mid it is not) but they have first pick and purse sein the fuck outta the water before we get there and while we are there... two people i have seen were pulling in tons and tons (litterally) of fish... while we were restricted to fish in that area.... this is after they have taken out more fish (per person) than likely all the anglers in the rest of the year combined! madgo_ron.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:



hmm...that would be all well and good if they had first pick (well in my mid it is not) but they have first pick and purse sein the fuck outta the water before we get there and while we are there... two people i have seen were pulling in tons and tons (litterally) of fish... while we were restricted to fish in that area.... this is after they have taken out more fish (per person) than likely all the anglers in the rest of the year combined! madgo_ron.gif


Go fucking cry in your subdivision, honky bitch. You wanna bitch about a couple salmon, try losing your home and having your family massacred. In summary, fuck your petty fish problem.

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ahem...but how many of those people have been ill treated? i cant hear you! none of them! just because some people feel guilty tht some other honkeys killt them, deosn't give them more fishing rights than i have... my ancestors weren't even here until the 1930's so i have nothing to do with that horse shit and even if my great-greagt-great-great-great gradnddaddy kilt em....i still dont think htey should get andy more privliges than i do. as for the makah...my ancestors hunted whales to...does that mean i can go fuck up some whales? fuck no... PC bullshit! the_finger.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Fence_Sitter said:



hmm...that would be all well and good if they had first pick (well in my mid it is not) but they have first pick and purse sein the fuck outta the water before we get there and while we are there... two people i have seen were pulling in tons and tons (litterally) of fish... while we were restricted to fish in that area.... this is after they have taken out more fish (per person) than likely all the anglers in the rest of the year combined! madgo_ron.gif


Go fucking cry in your subdivision, honky bitch. You wanna bitch about a couple salmon, try losing your home and having your family massacred. In summary, fuck your petty fish problem.


Fuck you shitbag - them dirty redskins got what was coming to 'em.

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trask said:

I will continue to fuck their shit up. And not only that, but the next fucking seal that grabs onto a salmon I've hooked, is getting a 230 grain Hydra-Shok hollowpoint right between the fucking eyes. madgo_ron.gif


been there....done that... 20lb salmon...but i still avhe the head in my freezer.... yellaf.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:whole buncha ignorant history deprived bullshit


Get thee back to school, college boy. It's called treaty rights, and its not about what the ancestors of the people who employed your illegal immigrant antecedents did to the natives, but rather about the promises this country gave in exhange for the land your landlord owns that your skinny ass is sitting on.

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Fence_Sitter said:

ahem...but how many of those people have been ill treated? i cant hear you! none of them! just because some people feel guilty tht some other honkeys killt them, deosn't give them more fishing rights than i have... my ancestors weren't even here until the 1930's so i have nothing to do with that horse shit and even if my great-greagt-great-great-great gradnddaddy kilt em....i still dont think htey should get andy more privliges than i do. as for the makah...my ancestors hunted whales to...does that mean i can go fuck up some whales? fuck no... PC bullshit! the_finger.gif


So, by your logic, since no Iraqis airlinered American targets on 9/11, it would be stupid to attack them, right? But since Americans trained the people who trained the people who did attack us, maybe we should have bombed America instead? Hell, none of DFA's relatives were mistreated on 9/11. Should he feel sorry for the victims or support America's efforts to rule out terrorism? 'Course not!


Time to try thinking beyond that lily-white nose you've been aggressively browning at the ass of the American Me-First Capitalist Way, hoss.

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Off_White said:

Fence_Sitter said:whole buncha ignorant history deprived bullshit


Get thee back to school, college boy. It's called treaty rights, and its not about what the ancestors of the people who employed your illegal immigrant antecedents did to the natives, but rather about the promises this country gave in exhange for the land your landlord owns that your skinny ass is sitting on.


not true about the makah shit stain...at least what they told the public... they said on TV (i saw an interview with one of their reps) that they deserved the right because it was a piece of their herritage that was being lost and if this generation didn't whale, it would be lost forever... so... whutuvit ?

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Fence_Sitter said:

ahem...but how many of those people have been ill treated? i cant hear you! none of them! just because some people feel guilty tht some other honkeys killt them, deosn't give them more fishing rights than i have... my ancestors weren't even here until the 1930's so i have nothing to do with that horse shit and even if my great-greagt-great-great-great gradnddaddy kilt em....i still dont think htey should get andy more privliges than i do. as for the makah...my ancestors hunted whales to...does that mean i can go fuck up some whales? fuck no... PC bullshit! the_finger.gif


So, by your logic, since no Iraqis airlinered American targets on 9/11, it would be stupid to attack them, right? But since Americans trained the people who trained the people who did attack us, maybe we should have bombed America instead? Hell, none of DFA's relatives were mistreated on 9/11. Should he feel sorry for the victims or support America's efforts to rule out terrorism? 'Course not!


Time to try thinking beyond that lily-white nose you've been aggressively browning at the ass of the American Me-First Capitalist Way, hoss.


that is some of the shitties logic i have heard...sure you should feel sorry for the 9/11 victims, but you shouldn't get compensation...i feel sorry fo the nacestors of the natives too...i just dont wanna give them my money or my fish...damnit madgo_ron.gif

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