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New York Times is Busted for Lying and Deceit


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This is huge news. The times is considered one of the most trusted news outfits in the world. Now they've printed a 14000 word "apology" admitting many of the biggest articles in the last several years were all lies.




"The widespread fabrication and plagiarism represent a profound betrayal of trust and a low point in the 152-year history of the newspaper"


I knew it all along...those lying liberal bastards...business as usual


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catbirdseat said:

I thought Ari Fleischer's job was to NOT give out information.


Ari seems to be a competent and quick-minded guy who was never intimidated by the terminally smartass "media" representatives whose only objective is to burnish their own reputations by embarrassing him and, by extension, the Bush administration.


Too bad he's going; I'm sure he will do well in the private sector.



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