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RobBob said:


And the world is one big park/museum, right j_b?


What about if I own, say, 10,000 ac of tree farm in Tennessee? Gee, can I go off-road there, or do ya think that's a bad thing too? fruit.gif


why can't you address something i say without launching into hyperbolism?


if you want to make it a requirement that suv's owners possess 10,000acres in tennessee or anywhere, it's fine with me but it won't be too popular with 99% of the suv crowd. in the meantime they'll be driving on as much public land they can get their wheels on, as we all know.

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RobBob said:

My point is that many of the 'environmentalists' are frustrated people who want to tell others what they can't do with their own property.


Not really. A few radicals are like that, but lots of them do it because what we do on our own property has an effect on everyone else. Take someone with property at the head of a watershed. If they want to pour chemicals on grass or polute their property (or in the case of SUKs, drive all over the place causing erosion), then it *does* affect everyone downstream. That's pretty selfish and crappy if you ask me. These people should not be allowed to breed.

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RobBob said:

My point is that many of the 'environmentalists' are frustrated people who want to tell others what they can't do with their own property.



If me being upset with the fact that south american countries are destroying *their* land (rain forests) to graze cattle and thus helping turn the entire world's air quality to shit makes me an environmentalist radical, so be it. rolleyes.gif


The problem is we don't live in the 15th century where your actions only affect you and those directly around you. It's pretty easy for a small group of people to fuck shit up for the rest of us these days.

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RobBob said:

I guarantee that another enviro-zealot could audit either of you two and your lifestyles, and be just as outraged by his findings as you are with the way others live.


What, you mean by actually *thinking* about what I do, considering the consequences it may have on others, and taking responsibility for my actions? bah! I must be a hypocrite!!


And if you guarantee it, I want my money back.

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Ursa_Eagle said:

I don't see it just as an environmental thing, I personally see it almost more as a safety thing. I don't have as much of a problem with the sports cars that get 15 mpg as the SUKs that get 15 mpg. The SUK blocks the view of everyone behind them, and anticipation is a big part of driving. If you fall back far enough so you're at a safe distance, you're about 10 car lengths back, and people (chances are it'll be another SUK) will pull in front of you. Also, they outweigh me 2 to 1. The extra mass makes it much harder for them to stop or handle well at all to avoid an accident. I don't see how that can be considered "safe". Sure, they're environmental catastrophies, but I consider the safety issue more relavent to me. Thus the reasons I don't like (large) SUKs.


How bout all of these MOFO's talking on their cel phones while almost running you down in the crosswalk? I hate those guys! madgo_ron.gif


They need to take lessons from a hairstylist or someone who can talk and perform eye-hand coordination tasks at the same time.

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Bronco said:

How bout all of these MOFO's talking on their cel phones while almost running you down in the crosswalk? I hate those guys! madgo_ron.gif


They need to take lessons from a hairstylist or someone who can talk and perform eye-hand coordination tasks at the same time.


I'm in complete agreement here. I don't talk on my cell phone while driving in traffic or through the city. Period. I try to avoid talking on the phone while driving in most cases, because I find myself a lot less attentive when talking on a cell phone. (I say most cases because if you're by yourself driving on a backroad and you're tired, talking on the phone can help to keep you awake.)

And if you are going to talk on the phone while driving, please stay out of the left lane! It seems like the majority of people driving slow in the left lane are on the phone (I have no numbers to back this up right now, although I *am* going to start keeping track.)

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And teenagers must some of the ablsolute worst of the entire bunch of bad and unsafe drivers! The only time I was in a wreck (that I didn't cause) a kid speeding along to school in a CHEVY s-10 Blazer (SUV) slammed into the back of my poor old pickup truck doing 45 miles an hour while I was sitting at a red light!!

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Bronco said:

And teenagers must some of the ablsolute worst of the entire bunch of bad and unsafe drivers! The only time I was in a wreck (that I didn't cause) a kid speeding along to school in a CHEVY s-10 Blazer (SUV) slammed into the back of my poor old pickup truck doing 45 miles an hour while I was sitting at a red light!!


Did you sue him for all he was worth and try to have him charged with attempted murder? I have heard there's some folks on this board that'd take pleasure in doing that very thing...

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Bronco said:

And teenagers must some of the ablsolute worst of the entire bunch of bad and unsafe drivers! The only time I was in a wreck (that I didn't cause) a kid speeding along to school in a CHEVY s-10 Blazer (SUV) slammed into the back of my poor old pickup truck doing 45 miles an hour while I was sitting at a red light!!


I know my worst driving was before I turned 18. I'm not sure if it was because I then had two years of driving experience under my belt (and I'd already gotten the stupid things out of my system,) or if I had actually matured somewhat, but I do remember how bad I was in my first two years. I'd like to see the driving age raised, because quite simply, the idea of 16 year olds driving scares me. People do some really stupid stuff between 16 and 18. I'm not saying that people are mature at 18, just a lot moreso than at 16.

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JGowans said:

[Did you sue him for all he was worth and try to have him charged with attempted murder? I have heard there's some folks on this board that'd take pleasure in doing that very thing...


a) size difference- blazer and pickup trucks are not too far apart

b) you're an idiot

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This is great! me and Ursa could take care of the traffic problem once and for all- Ban SUVs, Cel Phone talkers, Teenagers, obviously Old people and Drunks wouldn't be tolerated, and anyone else who may annoy/irritate us or infact do anything different than we see fit, we are the only people that matter.


DIE DIE DIE! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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And teenagers must some of the ablsolute worst of the entire bunch of bad and unsafe drivers!

Well I think this is obvious. Of course an inexperienced driver is worse than an experienced driver. I think that cell phones are one of the bigger factors that has an easy solution. Ban 'em in moving vehicles.


By the way I just got a Dodge Ram 1500 yesterday.


Dogs love trucks!

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Bronco said:

This is great! me and Ursa could take care of the traffic problem once and for all- Ban SUVs, Cel Phone talkers, Teenagers, obviously Old people and Drunks wouldn't be tolerated, and anyone else who may annoy/irritate us or infact do anything different than we see fit, we are the only people that matter.


DIE DIE DIE! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


I just ask that people pay more attention to what the hell they're doing. Doing 50 in the left lane, swerving all over the place, running down pedestrians, cutting off bikes, etc. doesn't need to happen. It's not that I can't tolerate other people, I just feel people should be more attentive.

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Ursa_Eagle said:

JGowans said:

[Did you sue him for all he was worth and try to have him charged with attempted murder? I have heard there's some folks on this board that'd take pleasure in doing that very thing...


a) size difference- blazer and pickup trucks are not too far apart

b) you're an idiot


I may be an idiot, but at least I'm consistent which is more than can be said for you and your smarmy turncoat comments. You're a complete and utter fuckstick that sounds like a whiney bitch every time you post. Can I suggest that you go back and read your posts with an open mind. I think you'll probably agree that you really do sound like a negative whiney prick.


You remind me of the pathetic little ultra-PC teacher on Beavis and Butthead.


Go fuck yourself wankstain. How's that for negativity? Am I talking your language now? Are you going to call up your friends and whine about the mean people on the Internet that just don't give a toss about your issues and how they are oh so fucking wrong?


Well, now that I've got that outta my system, it's time to rockband.gif

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