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Stupid Forest Service


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Josh -

Like I said last week, I bet they don't want a bunch of self-rigihteous climbers thinking they can push it as far as possible and then getting stuck or tearing up the side of the road when they try to turn around. There was no real pullout anywhere near where the snow blocked the road and if they had put up a sign saying "Park here" at the last one, a half mile below, most of us would probably have ignored it. As much as I think the Leavenworth rangers suck, I can't criticize them for keeping that road gaited at least until some reasonable turn-around point melts out.

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Same reason as Erik. That road is considered a "soft bed" road. Too much driving on it early enough could damage the road. If the road is damaged then they would have to continuely repair it during the summer meaning more road closures and more money.

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Understood, this makes sense. I guess, as somebody we saw up there pointed out, it keeps more tourons and gumbies away. The extra milage only adds 1 hour each way.


carry on, I was just expressing my god given right to hate the USFS. smirk.gif

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Funny story (I thought...)


I grew up in the sticks near wenatchee. One spring some dipshit (well, he didn't know any better) from Malaga (Wenatchee-ites should be catching on about now...) walked up to our door and essentially said "I was driving up that road and got my truck stuck. Can you help me pull it out?" Now this road is maintained at minimum standards for light logging traffic and sounds to be one of these "soft bed" road. And this particular road is super clay-like (=slikc as shit (literally)) when wet. So we told this guy "look, the trucks stuck up to it.s axes in thick clay mud. You're just going to have to leave it until things dry up some or you're going to ruin the road! Sorry." THe guy leaves ( I thin we gave him ride to the Malaga store!). Three days later the guy comes to our house again. This time it's "Yeah, I was trying to pull my truck out with my bosses truck, and , uh, like, it got stuck too. Can I use your phone?" madgo_ron.gif A week later (it had dired up quite a bit!) a wrecker went up the road, pulling the guys original truck and the dude driving his bosses. It ened up (Malaga store "gossip") the guy pulled something out of wheack on his front end and couldn't drive it! Ha haha ha ha! One word: Malaga!

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